Log into Snapchat . You see that wonderful fire symbol next to your best friend’s name. The number grows daily. You are enjoying your best streak (officially known as Snapstreak) . You have become a Snapchat master !
Then the worst thing that could happen happens. Unexpectedly, you have lost your Snapstreak. Your life is ruined. But don’t panic! Sometimes you can get your Streak back; and in this article we explain how to do exactly that.
Snapchat Streak Rules
Let’s start with the basics. Some of you may not know exactly what a streak entails or its benefits. You would have to understand this if you want to know how to recover a Snapstreak . This is not a solo effort by any means; This is a demonstration of your friendship. You have to depend on someone else. You can openly tell your friend that you want to try a Snapstreak, or it can be an unspoken agreement.
A streak starts when you and a friend send snapshots to each other every 24 hours for 3 consecutive days . Once you have done this, a fire emblem will appear next to the name of that contact; along with a count of how many days the streak has lasted.
The rules are simple you must send a complement to that person every day. They must respond to your plugin within 24 hours. The chats do not count . Neither are Snaps sent from Memories or Snapchat Spectacles. The video calls either . However, videos sent via the Snap feature do.
And remember this is about individuals; so sending a snap to a group or adding one to My Story does not add to a streak.
What are the benefits of maintaining a Snapchat streak? Bragging rights . That is essentially what you are looking for here. The more it fits, the higher your score will be in the app. Confused? This is how your Snapchat score works . It is a numerical assessment of how dedicated you are to the social network.
What does Snapchat Emojis mean?
First of all, keep in mind that these emojis are different from trophies ; Although the more you participate, the more likely you are to win Snapchat trophies.
Go to the chat function and you would see your contacts . Emojis will accompany some of these names, if not all (depending on how many friends you’ve added and how often you communicate with them).
If you constantly send messages to a person, a smiley face will appear to the right of their name . This means that you are the best friend. This will certainly appear if you are participating in a quick streak with someone.
If your streak reaches 100 days , Snapchat will congratulate you by placing the “100” emoji next to the flame symbol. Beyond that, it will simply continue to list the number of consecutive days that you have been on this current streak.
No one is perfect, so one party will inevitably forget that they haven’t sent a snap within 24 hours of the previous one. Snapchat has you covered, it will remind you by showing an hourglass emoji by your Streak number. If you see an hourglass, please submit a snap. If you are worried that the other person has also forgotten, send them a message in the chat and hope they have the notifications activated .
How can you go on a streak? The secret is not to be too valuable about what you take a photo about. You won’t find something meaningful to say every day, so don’t feel too bad if you open the roof . Add text to explain that this is to maintain the Streak; alternatively, send a nice message.
Why did you lose your Snapchat streak?
The most obvious reason is that you or your friend have not sent a snap in the last 24 hours. But don’t immediately blame the other person; sometimes it’s nobody’s fault.
Often times, connectivity issues plague the application . If one of you is having trouble connecting to the Internet, Snaps might not send it; In such cases, Snapchat should inform you that a plugin was not delivered. You can try again, but make sure you have Wi-Fi . Otherwise, you would have to send it in at a later time (so it’s a good idea to start a streak when you know you’ll be home during certain hours every day).
There may also be a problem with the hardware or operating systems . Sadly, if this continues for a few days, your Snapstreak won’t be the only victim. Your “best friend” status will also disappear.
However, many report that both parties sent Snaps, but the Snapstreak, however, disappeared . No one really knows why, but most blame a bug within the app . Especially if you just installed an update. Watch out for other glitches within Snapchat; including open settings that don’t disappear from the chat timeline.
Fortunately, in most of these cases, you can get your Snapstreak back.
How to get a Snapstreak on Snapchat
Snapchat recognizes and appreciates your dedicated user base ; and also that some things are out of our control. That is why there is a way that you can reset your Snapstreak.
To do this, you must appeal to Snapchat.
Before going into details, you should know that there are conditions . Notably, you can’t do it regularly. Don’t get in the habit of losing your Streak and appealing to Snapchat. They won’t fall in love with it. Second, if a lot of streaks have disappeared, this method will likely only work with one contact . Certainly there is a limit of one username per submission. Make your longest streak a priority.
Here’s how to get back a streak on Snapchat
Go to Snapchat Support . You would see a list of possible problems; click My Snapstreaks disappeared. A contact form will load below the details about the stripes. This will require basic information about your account (username, email address, mobile number and device) and then details about the streak.
Include as much detail as you can. With your fingers crossed, you can remember how many consecutive days your streak lasted . If not, ask your friend. Failing that, estimate. There is space later in the form to say that it is an approximation.
Likewise, if you know an exact date that he lost his Streak , that’s useful information. However, you can also say that the problem occurred since you installed the last update.
The penultimate question concerns the hourglass emoji. This is to determine if one of you just forgot, in which case Snapchat probably won’t do anything to help. Still, you can clarify your case in the final section, “What information should we know?”
Be honest. Tell Snapchat if the app won’t load, a plugin didn’t send, or your internet connection failed .
Submit your request and wait for a response .
Why is Snapchat not helping me?
The social network will not reset your Streak if it just dropped naturally. It doesn’t matter if you were close to 1000 days – if someone forgot, that’s in your own heads. Of course, you could lie and say that something went wrong with the application. But we do not advocate for that, as your conscience will eventually benefit from you.