Accustomed to the fact that a specific last connection time appears in several applications , we may wonder why it appears “last time a long time ago” in Telegram . When we find that a user has this message where their last connected moment usually appears, it can be for three different reasons.
The first is that you have modified the ‘Privacy and security’ settings so that your last time connected does not appear. This makes Telegram show estimates that will let you know if you can contact that person or not. If you see that his last time was ‘a long time ago’, it means that he has not connected to the application in more than a month (it also applies to contacts who have uninstalled Telegram when the period since its uninstallation exceeds one month).
Second scenario: if we have made that adjustment so that no one knows in detail when we are online and when we are not, we will automatically see all our contacts with these estimates. Again, if it appears ‘a long time ago’, it is that it has not been active for more than a month. So that nobody can see it, go to ‘Settings’, ‘ Privacy and security ‘, ‘Last time and online’ and activate the option ‘Nobody’, as indicated in the image.

The third option is that our contact has blocked us . Telegram will not teach us that that user has made that decision with us, but if we see this message and when we write we see that we do not receive a response, the chances that we are on their blacklist increase.
There are also frequent queries from users who ask why Telegram was last recently published . Again, the explanation has to do with your own and others’ privacy settings, since it is an estimate that allows the user not to specifically show their last connection time.
If under our contact we see ‘ Last. time recently ‘, the period indicated ranges from one second to two or three days, so we will not know if you have been online right now or if you have been away from Telegram for a couple of days. In any case, it is quite probable that it is a contact who uses the application regularly.
If we have configured the application so that no one sees our last connection, we will not have how to know the last connection in Telegram of our contacts . For this reason, we will have to return to the settings menu and in ‘Last time and online’ choose the options ‘All’ or ‘My contacts’, depending on the people you want to know their last connection.

Anyway, if your contacts have their settings configured so that nobody can see it, we can only see an estimate. Telegram shows four approximations : ‘recently’ (from one second to two or three days), ‘a few days ago’ (from two or three days to seven days), ‘a few weeks ago’ (from six or seven days to a month) and ‘ a long time ago ‘ (more than a month or users blocked)
In spite of everything, if they block you on Telegram , do you see the last connection? The application assumes that when a person blocks another it is because they do not want to be exposed to it for whatever reason, so under that contact we will only see the message ‘Last. It’s been a long time ago. ‘