Photos are the first thing we see on Tinder. They occupy almost the entire screen and are what stands out the most . That is why we show you what photos to put to flirt on Tinder. It is not about having more or less beauty but about using the angle or the pose to squeeze your conditions to the maximum and make a pleasant first impression .
The first photo is the most important because from there other people will see the other photos or ignore you. First of all, avoid an ugly photo. The camera may have a better or worse resolution but do not include unpleasant elements, such as urinals when taking a selfie in the bathroom or images where other people are clearly seen. Only you should appear in all your photos , but in the first one it is essential that you do not share space with other people, unless you use the app with your partner . On the other hand, a sense of humor is one of the keys to flirting, but don’t turn your profile into a meme account.
From these basic requirements we can take a quality photo. As we will learn throughout this article, body language is a powerful weapon in seduction. It is best to show yourself face to face, but if we look to one side, let it be to the right because that is where the LIKE is . Do not stick your arms to the body and pose doing an activity that describes you, remember that a smile projects you as someone open. As for the background, look for a nice one but not ornate so that the gaze focuses on you. You must also see yourself clearly, use the light, go from dark photos. These tips are valid for men and women, but below we will differentiate which photos to put to flirt on Tinder according to your gender.
If you are a man, do not fall into the most common mistakes. Your attitude is an important factor, appearing confident is vital but don’t look like a freak, so avoid ridiculous poses. On the other hand, if you are going to go out without a shirt, it is better to do it on the beach or in the sea than in a selfie in front of the mirror . Oh, and it is preferable not to wear sunglasses because we don’t know if the eyes are the mirror of the soul but hiding them symbolizes that you are hiding.
In general terms, it is better to avoid selfies in front of the mirror because their background is usually not pretty. Ideally, someone else should take your photo , unless you are in a beautiful environment. Currently there are many photographers available who offer their services to do photo sessions for you, if they are good, they will know from which angle to photograph you. If you don’t want to spend money on a photography session, ask a friend to take several photos of you and select the best ones.

The advice for women on Tinder is practically the same on what photos to put on Tinder to flirt as a man. Show yourself natural and up front, a smile is a great weapon. If you have long hair, show it off without hiding your face . Finally, avoid any type of filter and even more so if it adds extraneous elements to you, since on Tinder users want to see how other users really are, not an altered vision.
Never use photos for fake Tinder. Do not cut yourself or make photomontages to present yourself in situations that did not occur. Never photosope to add more muscle , chest or retouch yourself. Not only will your false image fall apart as soon as you show up on a date, but the image may go viral.
Avoid uploading memes, or images where you do not appear, because on Tinder you are the protagonist. Finally, many people still feel embarrassed when using applications to flirt. Currently these platforms are socially accepted and there is nothing wrong with them, but if you want to take a look before entering Tinder , you can download the app from the Play Store or App Store , create a fake account with dark or landscape photos and explore the app. When you take the step you will know what photos to put to flirt with Tinder and you will be able to compare them with those of other users.
The app requires a minimum resolution of 640 x 640 pixels but displays images at a size of 600 high x 848 pixels high, which is equivalent to a 7:10 ratio . This answers what is the ideal size for Tinder photos, which, when shown to other users, will be viewed vertically. If you’re thinking of taking photos for Tinder, use a vertical approach
The screenshots lower the quality compared to the photo editors included in the mobiles. These allow you to enlarge, reduce or scale the image, so downloading an external one from the Play Store or App Store is unnecessary. You already know what photos to put to flirt on Tinder but you must also take care of the description and add a charismatic phrase to break the ice .