Twitter: how to block or unblock an account

You’ve decided to block someone on Twitter but don’t know how to do it. If this is the first time you try to do it, the procedure might not be obvious even if it is quite simple. We will show it to you in this article. We will also talk about the implications of blocking a profile on Twitter.

There are accounts on all social networks that can annoy us, whether they are trolls or acquaintances with whom we no longer want to interact. Not to mention the bots that are an integral part of the Twitter experience and which can sometimes be irritating. If you no longer want to see a profile’s tweets scroll, you can simply stop following it by unsubscribing. But in case you want to go further, blocking an account on Twitter is a much more radical option. You can unlock the account at any time in case you change your mind.

How to block an account on Twitter

First, be aware of the implications of blocking someone on Twitter:

  • Account is automatically removed from your subscriber list
  • Your account is automatically removed from the subscribed list of the blocked profile
  • You can no longer subscribe to each other
  • His tweets will no longer appear in your timeline, even if he tags you
  • The contact will not be able to see your tweets even if he goes directly to your page using the URL (if he is connected)
  • He cannot send you direct messages
  • He cannot identify you in a photo
  • He cannot see your followers, subscriptions, badge, lists, etc.
  • He cannot add you to a list

As you can see, blocking someone on Twitter will simply sever all links between your two accounts. For one, the other no longer exists on the social network. But it should be noted that if your account is public, the blocked contact will still be able to access your profile, your tweets and your photos if he logs out and goes to your profile. To block an account; it’s simple :

  • Go to the contact profile
  • At the top right, click on the three vertical dots (or on the down arrow if you are on a smartphone)
  • In the drop-down menu that appears, select Block @profile

You can follow the same procedure from a tweet posted by the contact. Just click on the three dots in the right corner of the tweet. The blocking option appears in the drop-down list.

How to unblock someone on Twitter

In case you change your mind, it is entirely possible to unblock accounts on Twitter. The path is almost identical. Go to the profile of the blocked contact if you know their URL or simply search for their account from the search bar. Click on the three vertical points or the arrow in the upper right corner and then on the unlock option that appears in the list.

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