WhatsApp is the most used messaging application in the world. This famous app has a Premium version that comes with extra features, but is WhatsApp Premium worth it if you have a business? These are your advantages .
Premium versions of mobile applications are those that offer special or better features to a platform that already has a free version. The premium version offers extra features to those users who pay for them.
In the case of WhatsApp, its Premium version is already coming into operation in certain countries, but it is only available for WhatsApp Business. This means that this version aims to provide functions aimed at businesses or small companies. What is still unknown is the price that WhatsApp Business users will have to pay for the Premium subscription.
If you have a business and want to know if it’s worth subscribing to WhatsApp Premium, we’ll explain two of the advantages of this paid version, which can be very useful for managing small businesses.
Create custom link to promote business
One of the advantages of WhatsApp Premium is that it allows you to promote your brand thanks to creating a personalized link. The new link that the WhatsApp Business user can create and, therefore, activate in this version will include a short address such as “wa.me/name.business” that will lead to a website with business information and will serve to distribute and promote the brand by sharing the link among contacts. These links can be created by a business, but can be reused and used by other businesses if at any point a business stops using this premium version.
Up to 10 devices associated with a Business account
With the WhatsApp Premium version you can have ten devices associated with a Business account instead of four. This is another advantage for businesses. In addition, it will be possible to know more information about each of the devices that are linked to have them controlled. The activity of these devices can be reviewed and even an individualized chat can be generated in each case.
Rename connected devices
To distinguish a mobile, computer, etc. WhatsApp Premium will give the option to rename each one in order to differentiate it. For the owner of the account , it will be much easier to distinguish each of the connected devices.

WhatsApp Business is a version very similar to WhatsApp, but with some additional features focused on business growth. This Business version was released in the year 2018 . Among these functions is, for example, the one that allows you to create a product catalog for contacts or to configure auto-response or absence messages for users who write requesting information through this messaging app, or to configure a complete information profile of the business . WhatsApp Business is currently free, but you will have to pay to subscribe to WhatsApp Premium.
With the coronavirus pandemic, WhatsApp Business became one of the most used applications with which users communicate with companies through instant messages . Among the reasons for this new messaging communication trend was the resolution time or 24-hour support, both of which facilitated interactions between businesses and customers.
WhatsApp Business, four years after its launch, has more than 175 million active users and is being consolidated within Meta, allowing the birth of other related applications, as is the case with this premium version.