How to use Snapchat lens challenges (Android and iPhone)

how to use Snapchat filter challenges on Android and iOS

Without a doubt Snapchat seems doomed to failure dramatically mainly due to the fact that Instagram has managed to convince users to use its app instead of Snapchat. This seems to have reacted to the company which is looking for a way to recover lost users with the implementation of new options and interactive functions. An example of this is the new Snapchat Lens challenges.

how to use Snapchat filter challenges on Android and iOS

Another related post:  How to stream on Twitch with Snapchat filters (Snap Camera)

Snapchat Lens Challenges basically consist of recording a specific action and then sharing it and asking other users of the platform to repeat the same action. This would be the main goal of the lens challenges on Snapchat.

The Snapchat Filter Challenges feature is now available for both iOS and Android devices, however it should be noted that it is slowly being deployed to users organizing by region. In this way, if you live in certain countries, you may still have to wait a few days until you can use it since Snapchat may not have activated the function in your geographical area yet.

Whether you are still a Snapchat user or want to re-engage with the social network community, the Snapchat Lens Challenges feature can help you enjoy the interactivity and freshness of this social network again. In the following guide, you will learn how to get the most out of this feature:

How to use the new lens challenges on Snapchat (Android and iPhone)

Obviously, the first thing to do will be to update our application to the latest version, followed by accessing Snapchat and saturating yourself on the app’s camera screen. From here you will have to click on any part of the screen. This will give you access to the social network’s selfie filter carousel. Just below the filter carousel, to the right of the X icon, you will see an icon in the shape of two faces on which you will have to click.

Snapchat filter challenges for iPhone or Android

This will automatically send you to a new screen at the top of which. You can see all the available Snapchat filter challenges. Here you will have to select the filter challenge you want to try, click on the “Join the Challenge” button. And then you just have to follow the instructions shown on the screen. Once you’ve completed the challenge. You can edit it however you like, send it to a specific friend, add it to your story. Or add it to the challenge for all to see on the challenge wall.

At the moment there are not too many filter challenges on Snapchat, but as the days go by, new challenges will be added as they will be created by users. If you are looking to create a Lens Challenge yourself, you will have to make use of the official Lens Studio software from Snapchat.

snapchat introduces new lens challenges for Android and ios

Lens Studio is a desktop application that is available for both macOS and Windows 10. It requires a pretty decent GPU and at least 4GB of RAM. But the processor requirements are not very demanding as it can work with a Core i3.

Without a doubt, Snapchat is trying to bring out its social network by trying to encourage the creativity of users. Who will be able to virilize the content created by themselves.

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