Snapchat is undoubtedly the social network that is attracting more and more users. Even if the youngest are the first users of the network, others are tempted by the adventure. Sometimes with a few regrets. After a more or less long experience, some users therefore wish to delete their Snapchat account. But not always easy to navigate through the many parameters. So here’s how.
We hear a lot about Snapchat and curiosity sometimes pushes us to test things that don’t suit us. It is therefore not uncommon to see users wanting to delete their accounts. But unfortunately it is often much easier to register than to leave everything. Well yes, they are not crazy!
Delete your Snapchat account
Here’s the procedure to follow :
- In the application, go to your avatar at the top left, then Settings (the little gear located at the top right)
- Swipe down to the More Information section and tap Support

- Touch My account and settings> Account information (sometimes this page is in English, then touch Account Information )
- Tap Delete Account (or Delete Account )

The app will prompt you to touch a link, which you will do. Then you will need to enter your username and password first to identify yourself and then to permanently delete your account.

And voila, your Snapchat account is permanently deleted! Finally … not quite: as you can read, it is simply deactivated for 30 days before its final deletion. It will be reactivated during a simple connection to Snapchat during this period. We therefore recommend that you also delete the Snapchat application so as not to connect to it inadvertently.
Now here it is: freedom is yours, the end of this fleeting life that will have definitely ruined your life. No more snaps of your friends on vacation while you are still at work in overwhelming heat. Ah what a joy to live without social networks. Come on, go to Instagram now ! : D