Every first of November, All Saints’ Day is celebrated, a date in which a tribute is paid to all those who left and are no longer among us. A good way to remember our loved ones can be to dedicate a phrase to them on WhatsApp or Facebook in the form of status or with photos on Instagram. Beautiful, short phrases to reflect and think about … On this occasion, we have compiled several phrases from All Saints’ Day to pay tribute to all the deceased on their date.
For a deceased relative (a father, a mother, a grandfather …) or for a very dear one (a friend, a girlfriend …), dedicating a phrase to our deceased in their day can be the best way to heal the emptiness they leave with it on Earth.
- As long as I live, you too will live forever in my memory
- The life of the dead endures in the memory of the living.
- I will always keep your body and your voice in mind, even if time passes and I don’t find you among us, your soul is still with me.
- When I lost him I cried with my soul. I didn’t physically cry, I really cried, in the way that hurts the most, I cried without tears.
- We can love someone very much, but we will never love him as much as we can miss him, if we lose him one day.
- They say that there is no evil that for good does not come, but sometimes we break our heads thinking what good will be, after having lost something that was very important and valuable to us.
- Those who made magic in our life always remain in our soul. They never go away at all. They continue in silence giving us comfort, strength and energy.
- How it hurts to think of him and not have him by my side, how it hurts to dream of him and understand that I will never have him.
- Saying goodbye when you want doesn’t hurt, it hurts all the moments that will go away with that goodbye.
- God gave us memory to never forget who we love.
- It is impossible not to be sad. Your absence hurts but your memory will always make me smile.
- Wherever you are, I want to tell you that I have you in my mind and in my heart forever.
- Everything in this life is luck and mine was without a doubt meeting you.
- You cannot see or touch the best and most beautiful things in the world, but feel them with your heart, as I feel you.
- Remembering is the best way to forget.
- What matters is not what you suffer in life, but what you can do with everything that life causes you.
- When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
- I will always keep your body and your voice in mind. Even if time passes and I don’t find you among us, your soul is still with me.
- People will forget what you expressed, what you invented, but they will never forget what you helped them appreciate.
- Tears are a gift from God to us. Our sacred water. They heal us as they flow.
- I know that you take care of me from heaven, but here on earth I really need you.
- Death does not come with old age, but with oblivion.
- Death does not take loved ones. On the contrary, it saves them and ennobles them in memory. Life does steal them many times and definitely.
- When you have someone you love in heaven, you have a little piece of heaven in your house forever.
- A life is little for all the things that I would have liked to live with you. Hopefully we can meet again and make up for lost time
- Loss takes away what was not, but we remain with what we enjoy.
The photos and images of our loved ones immortalize what memory loses over time. Using phrases to accompany these images can be a nice way to pay tribute to a deceased family member .
- My reason accepts your departure, my heart cannot believe it.
- It is impossible not to grieve at the departure of a comrade. Wait for me a while and I’ll be with you.
- Your departure will always be an infinite regret. Rest in peace.
- I will feel safe because now I have a new angel who protects me from heaven.
- As a shooting star was your walk in the world, but your incredible flame will never go out
- I will always remember you and keep you in mind. Rest in peace.
- You will never die because you will live forever in my heart.
- The moments lived will never be taken from us. Rest in peace, friend.
- Heaven is happy because a beautiful new angel has won
- I will think about you for the rest of my life and I will carry you in my heart as the most precious memory.
- Some of us have an inspiration in heaven to follow. Rest in peace.
- And I will treasure as the maximum of those present every moment in which we have been together.
- Life separates us from what we want, but maybe, at some point, it will bring us back together.
- And perhaps death is not an end, but just a new beginning. Rest in peace.
- You have not died, because my memory will always be subscribed with your name and surname
- We will all have a sunset, but I honestly never expected yours. Rest with God.
- Pain for losing you, but enormous gratitude to have had you.
- You have had a wonderful life and now you have closed your eyes to open them in eternity.
- You have happened to have better company: God and each of his angels will be with you for eternity.
- We all return to the bosom of God, you are simply ahead of us.
- I will mourn your departure, but full of pride for what a great person you have been.
- My heart is dressed in mourning because a reason for joy is definitely gone.
- You smile at me from heaven, I really know.
- Goodbyes are painful because it is the price we pay for having loved so much.
- I will honor you forever and love you more. Your departure breaks my heart
- And God will receive you into his bosom for immortality.
- You were loved in life and you will be adored in death. My condolences to the whole family and you rest in eternity.
- I will remember you every day of what remains of my life, with your smile and joy.
I will not stay with the pain of your departure, but with the blessings of all the years shared. - You will be my great protector from heaven. Fly high, friend.
- Memories with you are made of water and sometimes they come out of our eyes in the form of tears.
- You will be my most beautiful memory when I lift my head and look at the sky.
- Your wings were already ready to fly, but my heart was not ready to see you go.
- Life will be a little duller, sadder, and duller without you.
Death usually leaves with it a reflection, as well as a multitude of questions that rarely have an answer. A phrase to reflect on this day so marked can help us see the light at the end of the road that involves mourning the loss of a loved one .
- Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.
- Just as a well-spent day brings a conciliatory dream, a well-spent life brings a happy death.
- There are three things to ponder: life, death, and eternity.
- Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live.
- He who does not fear death dies only once.
- The day we fear as our last day is nothing but the birth of eternity.
- When the game ends, the king and the pawn go to the same box.
- There is nothing certain in a person’s life except this: that he must lose it.
- Death smiles at us all, the only thing man can do is smile back.
- He who agrees to suffer will suffer only for half his life. Meanwhile, those who do not accept to suffer will do so for their entire life.
- Blessed is death when it comes after good living.
- Death is a law, not a punishment.
- No one knows if death is really the greatest blessing a person can have, but everyone fears that it is the greatest curse, as if they knew it well.
- Who hurries for everything, his death hastens.
- Life is nice. Death is peaceful. The transition is problematic.
- I believe that when someone dies, their soul returns to earth, decked out in some new human guise.
Can’t find a phrase for the Day of the Dead? Take a look at this compilation with more than a dozen phrases to share on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram .
- Every person in life ends the same way. It is only the details of how they lived and how they died that distinguishes one from the other.
- Death does not rob us of loved ones. What’s more, it saves them and immortalizes them in the memory forever. On the other hand, life does steal them from us on many occasions. And definitely.
- The day we fear as our last day is nothing but the birth of eternity.
- Of the person who has passed away, we must treasure his memory in a more present way than a person who lives.
- The soul of man is like water. It comes from heaven, rises to heaven and then returns to earth, in an eternal cycle.
- Death is nothing more than passing from one room to another.
- Reflection is the way to immortality; the lack of reflection, the road to death.
- The fear of death is due to the fear of life. A man (or woman) who lives fully is prepared (or prepared) to die at any moment.
- People who live deeply are not afraid of death.
- People leave strange memories of themselves when they die.
Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives. - Death is not the greatest loss of life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live.
- Every person in life ends the same way. It is only the details of how they lived and how they died that distinguishes one from the other.
- If death were not the prelude to another life, the present life would be a cruel mockery.
- The question is not whether we are going to die, but how we are going to live.
- May life be as beautiful as the flowers of summer and death as beautiful as the leaves of autumn.
- Living in the hearts we leave behind is not dying.
- When you are born, you cry and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice and the world cries.
- Love does not end just by saying goodbye. You have to know that being absent does not buy forgetfulness, nor does it cancel out the memory, nor does it erase us from the map.