Thousands of Sweatcoin users from around the world watch every day as the app announces the arrival of their particular cryptocurrency this summer, but it doesn’t yet specify when I’ll be able to exchange my sweatcoins for sweat , the digital currency the app’s developers will launch. When the launch occurs, you will be able to redeem all the sweatcoins accumulated during your walks or runs in nature at a rate of 1:1 in its first days.
The doubt has come to an end, since the co-founder of Sweatcoin, Oleg Fomenko, announced last week on his Twitter profile that there is already an official date for the most anticipated event of all users. The generation of Sweatcoin tokens will take place on September 12, 2022 , and everyone who has their wallet activated in the application will be able to exchange the accumulated sweatcoins for sweats and start moving them as one more cryptocurrency, being able to exchange them for bitcoin, ethereum or even for real money.
The token generation process has taken longer than necessary, since the application itself considered the month of July as the most likely date for the launch. Sweats will not always maintain their 1:1 conversion rate to sweatcoins , so those who want to get their crypto should do so as soon as possible. The real value of it is not yet known , although by converting with the sweatcoins that the products available in the application store cost, we can get a rough idea.
For several weeks, the application has been warning that all those who want to have their sweats will have to have their wallet in operation. If you are interested in knowing how to activate my Sweatcoin wallet , just follow the steps indicated in the application, which will guide you through the process. When you see the message “You’ve earned free crypto!”, click on the ‘Sign up to claim’ button. Next, swipe all the informational messages to the left until you see the last message, which says “Your wallet is waiting”. On that screen, click on ‘Get your wallet’ .

We confirm our email address, mark with a tick that we accept the terms and conditions and that we do not belong to some of the countries where the cryptocurrency will not be marketed (it can be used in Spain), and click on ‘Send me the code’ . We will then receive a code in our email (check the spam folder just in case) and we will have to enter it so that our wallet is activated in Sweatcoin and is ready for the generation of the cryptocurrency in September.
Another way to earn money directly from the app is to find out how to be a Sweatcoin influencer . In previous articles we have already detailed this process, consisting of sending a request to the application to explain how we intend to carry out our work as an unofficial spokesperson, and start sharing the link.
One of the most useful tips for our referral link in Sweatcoin to reach more people is to take advantage of the power of social networks such as Instagram (through hashtags) or Facebook (through groups) to share the link with people who may be interested in downloading the application, and by the way, help us get a few extra euros.