It has probably happened to you sometime. Someone sends you a message on Telegram, and when you go to reread it the next day it turns out that it has disappeared. And you are probably wondering why Telegram messages get deleted and even think that there is something wrong with the application. But the explanation is much simpler. And is that the popular instant messaging tool has the option to send messages that self-destruct over time.
When we send a message in a secret chat, we can choose to delete itself in 1 second, 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week. In the event that we are in a normal or group chat, the options to delete messages are 24 hours or 7 days . And in the case that we are using a channel we will also have the option of a day or a week.
Therefore, if someone has sent you a message and it has been deleted some time later, it is most likely that they have sent you a message that is self-destructing . So we recommend that you read what they have sent you as soon as possible to prevent them from disappearing.

Now that you know that it exists and that it can be useful, you are probably wondering how to use Telegram’s automatic message deletion .
In normal or group chats, you can choose to have your messages self-destruct through the Empty chat option, which you will find in the menu that appears when you press the button with 3 dots that you find at the top. At the bottom of the window that appears, you will find the section Auto-delete messages in this chat . There you can choose the time in which you want them to eliminate themselves. Then press the Enable self-removal button and the process is done.
In secret chats and channels the process is very similar, but it is in a different place. In this case, when clicking on the button with the three dots, we will directly find a function called Configure auto-deletion . By clicking on it, we can configure the time in which we want the messages we have sent to be deleted.
If you have missed something, you are probably wondering if it is possible to recover deleted messages on Telegram . But the reality is that it is a problem that has a difficult solution, especially if someone else has decided to delete the message.
However, you do have applications at your disposal that allow you to access the notification history , so that you can read at least part of the deleted message.
One of them is Notification History Log . This application allows you to keep a record of all the notifications that reach your smartphone, or only those from a specific application such as Telegram. In this way, even if a message has been deleted, you will be able to see the notification that arrived warning of it, so that you can read at least part of the message. But for this it is necessary that you have the app installed before the notification arrives. If this is not the case, we are sorry to tell you that recovering a deleted message has a difficult solution.