BeReal is the fashion application in the whole world. Instagram and Snapchat have already begun to copy this social network that has positioned itself strongly in 2022 among the youngest. This success has made all eyes fall on the top management and want to know who is the founder of BeReal, the new alternative to Instagram that is succeeding with its argument against posturing.
Unlike the other big social networks, BeReal doesn’t come from Silicon Valley garages or from China or Russia. Alexis Barreyat and Kévin Perreau are the co -founders of a platform that has managed to gain a foothold in a market that seemed immovable from neighboring France, and they have achieved this with their commitment to recovering naturalness. At the same time as fighting against Instagram or TikTok posturing, BeReal also has an addictive component thanks to that notification that tells you when it’s time to post your photo with both cameras, which enhances FOMO or fear of being left out of something.

Barreyet responds to the shadow developer profile . His presence on social networks is minimal, without publications on Instagram and limiting himself to recommending third-party content on Twitter or LinkedIn. With a professional past in Go Pro and fed up with the drift of social networks, in 2020 he opted to develop BeReal , which has taken the big leap two years later, going from being a minority alternative to Instagram, like Poparazzi , to being a threat ( or source of inspiration, depending on the approach) for both Instagram itself and Snapchat , still widely used in the US.

For his part, Kévin Perreau also left his job as project manager at the French consulting firm Opteamis to embark on an adventure with Alexis Barreyet. Since then, the application has been consolidating in France, especially during the second confinement in November 2020, and little by little it has made the leap abroad thanks to the money raised in two rounds of investment.
Part of the current success of this social network also corresponds to David Aliagas, the Spaniard who has worked at BeReal since its inception. Aliagas, 22, was struck by the BeReal project very soon, and tried to contact Barreyet through Instagram, a message that the founder of the app did not answer, according to Vozpópuli .
When he did catch the attention of BeReal managers, it was with a viral video on TikTok in which he explained how the social network works . In that video from June 2021, with more than 400,000 ‘likes’ to date, he highlighted that it was a success at the UK university where he was studying, and in the comments you can see the interest it aroused among his followers, who wanted to know more details about the application.
Since then, David Aliagas has been one of those responsible for implementing BeReal’s expansion strategy throughout the world. In his LinkedIn profile, he highlights how the anti-posturing social network has reached the top of the app stores in markets where it had no presence, such as Spain, the United Kingdom or Australia, with Asia being the company’s next major target.