Memes define us, as they show our sense of humor. So what if there was a dating app based on memes? It exists and it’s called Schmooze, this app allows you to flirt through memes . We present you to the Tinder of memes, in which we will not define ourselves according to our physique, but rather our sense of humor.
Schmooze works similar to Tinder . After creating an account, memes will appear that you can like or dislike. Based on your rating of these, it will connect you with people who possess a similar mood . To show your interest in a person and their memes, swipe right, ie “Schmoozea”; conversely, if you’re not interested, swipe left for “Snoozear.” Schmooze and Snooze are the two ways to react to the other profiles. The first, translated as “chat,” implies your interest. On the other hand, Snooze, which could be translated as “sleep” in the soporific sense, is the opposite.
Currently Schmooze can be found for Android and iPhone . Of course, at the moment it is impossible to download it in Spain , but it will arrive soon. What is possible is to follow Schmooze on Twitter , as well as its creator, Vidya Madhavan , a former student of Stanford University. Precisely the application was tested at the end of the summer of 2021 at said university. Being a success, it was launched in the United States.
Despite its short life, we already have new updates for Schmooze. The app recently added Schmooze Flirts , a feature for users to share predefined memes with their matches. In it, users have 48 hours to send, or receive, a message from their new match or the chat will be automatically deleted. In turn, it is possible to limit the maximum distance of the search radar to find other users so that they do not appear thousands of kilometers away, as happens on Tinder .

In the coming weeks, Schmooze will add new features. Among them is “Schmooze Ayooo”, which will allow you to send memes and images stored on your phone , since it is currently impossible to send your own memes. This is everything we know about Schmooze, so if you soon hear that this app allows you to flirt through memes, you already know what it is and how to use it. Predictably, Schmooze will arrive in Spain soon, we will see how it adapts to Spanish humor.