Despicá de Rosalía has been on the market for less than a week and already has more than 16 million views on Spotify . It is undoubtedly becoming the song of the summer. And so that you can enjoy it in all its aspects, we are going to show you the best TikTok of Despechá de Rosalía .
To begin with, if you don’t fully understand what the lyrics say, we recommend this lyric video in which you can read what it says while you listen to it:
If you have not been lucky enough to be able to attend the Motomami tour , we show you a video of one of the concerts so you can see how Despecha sounds live:
Although of course Rosalía herself has also taken it upon herself to publish a TikTok to promote her song on the popular social network:
And in this TikTok video they mention Despecha as the anthem of single women . Nothing to cry for a boy when you can take away the sorrows going out to a party.
But maybe what you are looking for is not to listen to the song, but to dance it as if there were no tomorrow. And we are going to teach you how to learn the Despecha de Rosalía dance with these TikTok .
This first tutorial still goes too fast if you’re not very skilled at getting choreography, but it does a pretty fun dance to the popular song:
Here’s another slightly simpler tutorial so that even if dancing isn’t what you do best, you can become a motomami in a matter of seconds.
This specialist teacher in uploading dance tutorials to TikTok has also been encouraged to publish her own Despecha tutorial. In just 40 seconds she will teach you the main steps so that you can learn to dance at least the chorus of the trending song of the year:
But of course it hasn’t been just the “on foot” people who have surrendered to the charms of Despecha. There are a lot of famous people who have also wanted to learn to dance to the popular song. After all, whoever wants to promote themselves on social networks has it easier than ever by falling into Hurricane Rosalía. Or there are also popular characters who are simply fans of the singer and have wanted to learn to dance to the popular song in their spare time. Here are some tiktoks of celebrities dancing Despecha de Rosalía .
The singer Edurne is on tour presenting her latest album, but she has had time along the way to join the Despechá Challenge:
The badminton player Carolina Marín may not be a professional dancer, but what she has shown us is that she is a real fan of Rosalía:
And I could not miss a post about the best TikTok from Desspechá de Rosalía, the one recorded by the soccer player Joaquín with some of his Betis teammates: