In the past few years, IQOS devices have become widespread. This is a development of a well-known cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris, which allows smoking almost everywhere, since it does not emit smoke, and the smoker does not inhale the harmful tar that is released during the combustion of tobacco. That is, such a device allows you not to violate the law on the prohibition of smoking in public places, and the harm to health is reduced.
IQOS is a rather complex electronic device based on a heater. It heats up to a temperature of no more than 350 degrees, so tobacco in a special thin cigarette – stick, does not burn, as in ordinary smoking. Therefore, no smoke is emitted. Inside the “e-cigarette” is a rechargeable battery and electronics that controls the heater.
A full charge of IQOS lasts about 15 puffs, after which it needs to be recharged. This process takes place in a self-contained charger equipped with a large-capacity battery that can be carried in a pocket. Placing the IQOS in the charger, you can use it again in a dozen minutes. The charger is enough for about 20 such cycles, after which it also needs to be charged from the mains. In principle, such a capacity is enough for smoking 20 cigarettes, which is enough for a day even for a heavy smoker.
How to properly charge your IQOS
If you have just purchased this gadget, then of course you are wondering how to charge IQOS for the first time. For this case, there are many myths that are nevertheless widespread:
- The first charge should be continuous from start to finish.
- You need to charge for a long time – up to 16 hours in a row.
- The first few times you need to fully charge the battery, and then also completely discharge it.
These myths are based on the fact that the battery can “memorize” the charge level, and if it is discharged and not fully charged, then its capacity will remain incomplete afterwards. This is actually the case, but applies to old batteries that have not been used for a long time.
The charging process itself is extremely simple – the “electronic cigarette” is placed in the charger, a button is pressed on its body, and the process begins, which is signaled by the LED. At the end of the process, the color of the LED changes, for example, to green, and you can smoke.

What does IQOS consist of?
How much does IQOS charge? Once placed in the charger, it takes only 5-10 minutes, after which it can be used.
But how to charge the IQOS charger itself? It’s very simple – it is connected to the network, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, through its own charger, similar to that used for a smartphone. Depending on the model, a full charge of the battery takes 1.5-2 hours, and it is enough for 10-20 smoke breaks, also depending on the model and the capacity of the battery used.
Some users are interested in whether it is possible to charge IQOS together with the holder inside, that is, when the “electronic cigarette” itself is inserted into the charging block. In fact, the manufacturer describes such a situation in the instructions, and it is quite normal. The unit can be charged separately, nothing will come of it. Therefore, the question of how to charge the holder, together or separately, is simply irrelevant.
Of course, if you put the holder inside during this process, nothing bad will happen, but the battery performance will deteriorate. If you do this on a regular basis, you will quickly “finish off” the battery, and it will lose capacity.
How to understand that it is charged
There is a scale of several LEDs on the body of the charger. If you press the button next to it, then several of them will light up. You can understand that IQOS is fully charged just by them – when the entire line of LEDs light up, then the device can be used.

IQOS Charger Terms of Use
The implementation of this indicator may differ in different models, but the principle is similar.
How long does the charge last
Many people have a question how long the IQOS charging is enough. It has already been written about this above, but let us dwell on this more specifically. Since the device consists of two separate battery-powered modules, we will consider them separately:
- Charging the holder – the “electronic cigarette” itself, is enough for one smoke break. Smaller conventional cigarettes are used – sticks, and the device is rated for about 15 puffs. This can take about 6 minutes. Then the IQOS needs to be put back in the charger. These characteristics may differ slightly from model to model. Some are rated for 20 puffs. This is quite enough for smoking one cigarette.
- The charger is designed for 20 recharge cycles of the holder. That is, it allows you to smoke 20 cigarettes, after which it also needs to be charged from the mains. This is more than enough for most smokers for the whole day.
So we can safely assume that a fully charged gadget is enough to smoke a pack of cigarettes.
How to increase the operating time of IQOS
The capacity of the batteries and their operating time are strictly calculated and it will not be possible to increase them beyond this. Various tips on how to do this are nothing more than bikes. However, you can make this time decrease as little as possible. Over time, the life of any battery decreases – it starts charging faster and discharges faster.
So, you can noticeably stretch this process, simply using the gadget in accordance with the instructions and keeping it clean. The latter is especially important, since it is garbage and carbon deposits that can seriously undermine the battery life and shorten the smoking time of one cigarette. You will have to charge your IQOS more often, further depleting its resource. But it is enough just to clean it regularly to avoid many problems with this device.
Tell us in the comments what features of charging IQOS you have encountered, what problems happened and how you solved them. Your experience will be of great value to our readers.