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If you need to do a translation, you are probably wondering if Google Translate is reliable. We tell you everything you need to know.
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Translation applications are very interesting because they allow us to access content in any language even if we don’t know it. This is undoubtedly a great advantage in an increasingly globalized world. But, when considering using it, there are many who wonder if Google Translate is reliable and can really help us.

In general we could say that yes, Google Translate is quite reliable . But it is important that we take into account some nuances.

If we have a text in a language that we do not know and we want to understand something by transferring it to our language, the Google tool is undoubtedly very useful. But if we need, for example, to write a text in English, do it in Spanish and translate it with the help of this app, it will not give us a perfect result, since a translation needs a context and it is difficult to do it without human help.

Therefore, Google Translate is very reliable if we want to understand a text that is in another language , and also to use it as a dictionary. But if we need an exact translation of a text, it is difficult that no artificial intelligence tool can give the same result as a person.



The Translator Google has several features that may be of interest. In principle, when we open the app we find a box in which we will put the word, phrase or text that we want to translate. Then we will choose the language we want to transfer it to and in the box next to it we will find the translation in a matter of seconds.

But it also has an interesting function which is voice translation . Instead of entering text, you can also say a word or phrase to it. This will make it much easier, for example, to have an interpreter in a conversation.

Another outstanding feature is the translation by photographs . If from the Translator app we take a photo of a text or a sign that we find on the street, we can access the translation directly, without having to write the text manually.



Obviously, Google Translate is not the only one that we can find on the market. And many wonder which is better: the Google translator or the Microsoft one . In principle we could say that these are two very similar tools, and that rather than having one better than the other, it is simply a matter of personal taste. But there are some differences between the two that can make you opt for one tool or another.

Google Translate has more languages available, making it the perfect tool if you want to get out of the typical languages. But Microsoft’s has a better offline version, so it is the one you should choose if you are not going to have an Internet connection. The conversation mode is more worked in the Microsoft tool, while the Google Translate is much better when we want to translate videos.

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