One of the most interesting features of Telegram are the bots. If you’ve heard of them, but don’t know how to use Telegram bots to do a lot of practical actions with them, don’t worry, below we’ll explain everything you need to know to use them.
Telegram bots are small automated third-party apps that offer features within the Telegram app itself. To use a bot you don’t need to install anything on your mobile device, you just have to search for it to start interacting with it. This function arrived more than five years ago to the messaging app. To use the bots you can open a chat with him or you can even add him to a group as if he were another user.
What you should always keep in mind is that the bot is automated, so there is no person to control it, but rather it is a programmed conversation. The bots are totally free, you can use them as long as you want and then deactivate them without any problem.
Once we have an idea of what bots are, let’s see how to use bots on Telegram:
- Open Telegram and at the top where the search box appears write the name of the bot.
- Once you locate it, click on the name and then click on “start”.
- Now the bot will start working and will give you a series of commands that you must insert according to what you need to do. Follow those instructions to the end.
In the previous section we have seen how to use Telegram bots. Now we are going to know what the best Telegram bots of 2022 are today so that you can use them whenever you need it.
- Yandex Translate (@YTranslateBot) . This bot allows you to translate all the messages you send in the chat. You just have to set the source language and the language to which you want to translate the text. Then it will translate everything for you and you can copy the messages and paste them into any other conversation.
- Twitter Media Downloader (twittervid_bot). If you want to download videos from Twitter, you don’t need to download the app. Just enter this bot and pass it the link of the Tweet where the video you want to download is. It will give you several options of resolutions, choose it and the video will be downloaded to your phone.

- AlertBot (@alertbot). If you consider yourself a rather clueless person, this bot may be of interest so that you do not miss anything. It is an alert bot that sends you reminders when you tell it to. To do this, you just have to enter “/alert”, tell it the time in which the reminder should be sent, write the text of the alert and send the message.
- TriviaBot (@TriviaBot). If you are bored and want to test your mind, this bot is a special version of the Trivial game. You just have to enter it and start the game. You will receive questions with four answer options, one of which is correct. The bot will tell you if you got it right or not and you can continue playing. In addition, you can add it to groups to play with friends.
Once you know how to use Telegram bots and you have seen the best ones that you can currently use, you may be wondering , are Telegram bots safe? Next, we give you the answer.
The first thing you should know is that Telegram bots are safe. This does not mean that there is personal information that is better not to provide to a bot. The bots are developed by third parties, so you should not provide passwords, bank card numbers or any other personal information that they ask for. If a bot sends you a file with an *exe extension, it is not recommended to open it either.