Currently Google Maps allows you to request changes to your map data from the Android mobile application. Basically, in addition to adding new places, you can ask Google to modify routes and places that you consider wrong or bad.
Simply touch the main menu button at the top of the Google Maps application and select ” Help and Comments ” or ” Send Comments “. There you can choose between the various options that exist.
Modify routes, change location information or add new ones
After choosing any of the available possibilities, you just have to follow the instructions of Google Maps to modify and / or add a road / highway or place. Using these options, you can edit the map , change the route information or add new ones , add a missing place (such as a business) or solve problems with the user’s location (the blue dot on the map).
Another way to make a modification is to tap on the route or place you want to edit. A panel will appear at the bottom. When it is displayed, the option to ” Suggest a change ” will appear, in case the route or place already exists. If you press and hold on an empty area of the map or on a road, the option ” Add a place ” or ” Report a problem ” will appear, respectively, in the indicated drop-down panel.
If it is a route, there are several things that can be modified. You can indicate if it is an incorrect trace on the map, it is one or two ways , it is a closed or private road .
When modifying or adding a missing place, for example your business or company , there are some data that you can specify. Things like business name , address , category , phone , website , adding photos , etc.
In the left side menu of Google Maps the option « My contributions « is also available . It is specifically designed so that you can modify the data on the map of your neighborhood or sector . You can change or add missing information of the establishments near you.
Indeed, the changes are not made at that moment. In fact, Google Maps considers them suggestions from users that it probably applies on the map. However, it is the only way to try to modify the data on Google Maps.
How to put multiple addresses on Google Maps
How to see the PLACES where you have been or visited
How to see the location history of your cell phone in Google Maps
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