One of the great advantages of Telegram is that you can use it without other users knowing your phone number. You can connect through a nickname that you can give to the people they want, without having access to something as personal as your phone. But if what a user is looking for is how to register in Telegram without a phone number, it is a little more complicated.
And it is that to create an account in the instant messaging tool you need to receive a code by SMS. Therefore, you will have to give a phone number to receive that message and be able to create your account without major complications. Of course, if you want to later, you can hide the number , so that none of your contacts can access it.
To hide your number you will have to enter the application settings, in the privacy and security section. There you will have to look for the Phone number option. In the section Who can see my number? you can choose between having everyone see it, just your contacts or no one. By choosing this last option, no one with whom you speak on Telegram will be able to know what your number is.

Something that some users wonder is whether activating Telegram without a code is possible . The reality is that no, the activation code is absolutely necessary to have an account in the popular instant messaging tool.
Of course, if you have an alternative option if you see that the message does not reach you or that for whatever reason you cannot receive an SMS. And there is also an option that allows the service to make us a call and indicate the code by voice. This option will appear available in the Telegram application if we see that the code does not reach us.
In principle, this call function is designed for when for some reason we cannot receive the SMS. But, in the event that you run into this problem, we recommend that you check the coverage first . Normally, when the message does not arrive it is due to a connection problem. And if you don’t have coverage, you may not be able to receive the call either.

If you are definitely determined not to use your own phone in the registration process, you are probably wondering where to find a number to activate Telegram . The simplest option is usually to enter a number that you have active but no longer use or even ask someone who is not going to use the application to allow us to receive the code on their mobile.
But a very useful option that will allow us to activate Telegram without having to depend on anyone or give our phone number is to use a prepaid card . You can buy it at any phone store, usually with some money included. Insert this card into your smartphone and complete the registration process with it. Later you can change it and put your usual card back. In this way you will be using a Telegram account that will not be linked to your usual number. And the prepaid card can be saved for records in other tools that require it.