How to make money on TikTok by uploading videos
Find out how to make money on TikTok by uploading videos to get the most out of your content on social networks.
How to make money on TikTok by uploading videos

Many creators have already discovered how to make money on TikTok by uploading videos , making this platform their main source of income and their full-time job. With more than 700 million active users , it is clear that the short video social network has become a more than desirable market, so in this article we will detail how we can start to monetize our presence on TikTok.


The main question for most content creators is when do you start making money on TikTok . The platform can help you generate income by meeting certain requirements through its Creators Fund. In order to start earning money, sponsors aside, an account must have at least 10,000 followers and exceed 100,000 views on your videos in the last 30 days.


Once the entry barrier is known, it is necessary to ask how much TikTok pays for followers to know to what extent we can monetize the content of our account . There are no official figures on what TikTok pays per video, as it depends on quite a few variants, but unofficial estimates put the payment between two and three euro cents per 1,000 views. This forces a video to have to accumulate millions of views to be truly profitable.

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TikTok announced that its goal is to increase the Creators Fund to 1,000 million dollars (886 million euros at the exchange rate), which will increase the estimated estimate. However, many content creators have spoken out denouncing the opacity of the platform when it comes to concisely explaining the parameters with which they make their payments.

In addition to the number of views, there are other factors to take into account: respect for TikTok’s terms of use, the number of comments the video generates, and the number of times a video is shared by other users are important. Although there are stars like Charli d’Amelio, Khaby Lame or the Twin Melody who earn dizzying sums of money, the reality of the income of the bulk of the creators is much further away, with very few being able to dedicate themselves to TikTok full time .


The Creators Fund is just one of all the avenues to earn money on TikTok . This source of income has been one of the innovations that have differentiated this social network from other more veteran ones such as Facebook or Instagram, but that does not prevent other ways of receiving income externally thanks to videos.

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TikTok is also including other means for followers to finance their favorite creators through virtual gifts on live TikTok broadcasts . Tipping , which is already working at full capacity on Twitter, will also be enabled on TikTok , although it is not yet in all territories. Again, the creators will have to be of legal age, have 100,000 followers and have not had problems with the platform in terms of removing videos for breach of the rules. The social network continues to discuss new forms of monetization for the future with some creators in its Creator Next program.

The sponsored content and advertising campaigns with specific brands are more direct ways to earn money by posting videos on TikTok . The instagrammers have made alliances with brands their main source of income, and the rise of TikTok is redirecting this trend also to this platform through Creator Marketplace . Although the tool is implemented in the social network, sponsorships and campaigns can also be negotiated externally and directly between the content creator and the brand that wants to sponsor it, which allows greater clarity about the money received from the content. Creators Fund.

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