Do you keep so many things in favorites that it is difficult for you to find them later? We show you how to make folders in TikTok so that everything is more organized.

If you are one of those who save so many things in favorites that it is difficult to find them later, a good idea may be to learn how to make folders on TikTok .

In the popular video social network, folders are called collections . The steps you must follow to create a new collection are the following:

  1. In the TikTok app, enter the Favorites section
  2. Click on the option that says Create a new collection
  3. In the menu that appears, write the name you want your collection to have
  4. Click Next
  5. Choose the videos you want to add to that collection
  6. Press the red button called Add Video

It is important to note that this feature is relatively new. Therefore, if you have not updated TikTok for too long, you may not see the option to create new collections. Although the normal thing is that the update is carried out automatically, if this is not the case you can update the app manually from its space in the Google Play Store .



If what you are wondering is how to sort your TikTok videos by categories , the first thing you should do is ask yourself if what you want is to order videos of other users that you have liked and have decided to save in favorites or if you want to order your own videos to make it easy for your followers to view.

In the event that you want to have the videos you have seen on the social network in order, what you will have to do is create different folders or collections in which to store them. To do this, you will have to follow the steps that we have explained in the previous section. On the other hand, if what you want is to get the followers who enter your profile to access different categories and view the videos in an orderly manner and not only in chronological order, there is another option that can be much more suited to what you need.

These are playlists , a function that is designed so that content creators can offer their videos to their followers, or anyone who visits their profile, in a much more orderly way. Its creation is also quite simple.



Now that you know the two options you have for this, it is time to learn how to create playlists on TikTok . The steps to follow are those:

  1. Open the TikTok app and click on Me
  2. Tap on Sort videos into playlists
  3. Choose a name for the list
  4. Start adding videos

To add the different videos to your playlists you will only have to go to the video you want and click on the Share button . In addition to the options to share the videos on different social networks, you will also find an option called Add to playlists. Then you will see the name of all the playlists that you have created following the steps that we have explained above. You will also have the option to create a new list at that time. From then on, those who enter your profile will be able to see the videos you have created organized by categories.

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