Tellonym who writes to me
This application has thousands of new downloads and users who do not know very well how to use it, that is why we recommend you read here everything related to the application and thus be able to learn a little more about it.
The first and most important thing you should know is that if you already have an insurance account, you started receiving questions, this will happen once you have new followers, since to ask questions it is necessary to follow the account or profile that is of interest to you.
Who asks me on Tellonym?
If you have received questions, surely you realized that you cannot see the sender or see a name that allows you to know who the person who has written to you is, although many users wish they could see it, you should know that you cannot, since the idea of the App is to send anonymous questions, which will have to be answered.

Although it is not possible to know who is sending the questions in Tellonym, you could still follow some tips that will help you identify the person who has written to you.
Know the person who asks me in Tellonym
– Recognize the person’s way of writing. Although it could be complex, many of us are clear about how our friends write, what emojis they use or what kind of words they use, this could help you deduce who the person who has written to you is.
– If the question is very personal. You will surely identify the person, which will be very easy for you to recognize. And you see the type of response you will write.
Whose name is asking me on Tellonym
As we mentioned before, no trick allows you to know who writes in Tellonym, but you could use some of the tips, and perhaps you can identify the sender of the question.
If the application is not to your liking, I recommend you delete the account to stop receiving questions, since ideally all the questions. You receive must be answered, in addition, these questions and answers will be published on your profile and all who follow your account will be able to see it.