Here’s how: Use more than 5 Instagram accounts on Android

Are you a social media manager or manage numerous Instagram accounts for some reason? You have certainly encountered the annoying limit that does not allow you to connect more than five accounts per device. Is it possible to reverse this limit? Yes, and the solution is very simple!

If you’ve landed on this article, you’re definitely frustrated by the fact that the Instagram app doesn’t allow you to use more than five accounts, forcing users to use multiple devices or, in the worst case, removing one account, to replace it with another one. The good news is that you can stop worrying because there is a solution to all of this and it is very simple! Ready? Let us begin!

instagram on 01

So you avoid the 5-account limit for the Instagram app

You’ve probably heard of the ability to clone Android apps. Anyone who owns a Xiaomi, Samsung or Huawei device will have seen the famous notification at least once, which invites them to use the “Twin App” function, which allows them to receive a copy of the various social apps or messengers.

Although this native feature allows you to clone Facebook, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and so on, it doesn’t offer the same option for the Instagram app. And this is exactly where third-party apps come into play.

For our test, we used Cloner App, a free app that is available on the developer’s official website and has been proven to be perfect for this purpose. After installation, it shows you the list of apps that are installed on your smartphone after opening. Simply select one, in this case Instagram, to go to the next section where you can copy it.

app cloner instagram clone

But the app isn’t limited to that, as it still offers some customization options – some free, some reserved for the premium version. Among the free functions you will find:

  • most cloning applications, including Instagram
  • change the name of the cloned app
  • change the color of the cloned app icon
  • rotate the icon of the cloned app
  • Add a badge to the icon of the cloned app

After you have made all the necessary adjustments, simply press the corresponding button and in a few seconds you will find the cloned app in the menu. The app offers the same functions as the original Instagram app, so you can use it to access another five accounts. Do you manage more than 10 accounts? Simply repeat the process and clone the app again!

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