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You were going to chat with someone and you found that Telegram Web does not work, how to solve it? We give you some ideas in this post.
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One of the great advantages that Telegram offers over other instant messaging tools is that it is cross-platform. You can use it from the mobile, from the tablet, from the PC or simply from any browser thanks to the use of its web version . But, although it usually works great, you may ever find that Telegram Web does not work, how to fix it? One of the most common reasons why it may not work is due to a connection problem. To be sure, try going to other websites. If all the pages give problems, it is clear that the problem is in your connection to the network.

In the event that you are trying to access Instagram from work, high school or university, it is also possible that the access is blocked. There are companies that block certain pages to prevent users from using the network for other things that are not specifically necessary for work. The best way to check this is to ask a colleague if you can access Telegram. In the event that the problem is that you will have to wait to get home to use the tool.



Another reason why we could not enter the service is that Telegram is down in Spain today . Although it is not something usual, no service is spared sporadically having failures that make it impossible to use for a few hours. If the problem is this, there is little we can do to solve it, but it is important to know so that we do not go crazy trying to find other solutions.

As Telegram is a widely used tool around the world, in the event that the news is down it will not take long to jump. Therefore, it will be enough to do a simple search on Google and you will probably find news that talks about the failure of the service.

Also in social networks such as Twitter, these types of failures tend to be a trend quickly, so it can be the way to find out what happens. And if you prefer, you can also ask other people they know who use the service if they can access normally.



One of the problems that we can find in this platform is that Telegram Web appears connecting but never connects completely. It is normal for it to appear connecting for a few seconds at first, but it should connect shortly unless there is a failure.

In this case, the normal thing is that it deals with some of the problems that we have already mentioned above. The most common is that it is our connection problem , something that we can solve simply by trying to enter another page. And it is also possible that it is a service problem, which sometimes allows us to enter the web version but does not connect at any time.

If the web enters but stays connecting, we could rule out the possibility that the website is blocked at that moment, since in that case we could not even enter the web service. Either it’s our problem or it’s a service failure.

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