Gmail is one of the most popular email applications today. If you are a user of this platform, but you see that a message appears informing you that it is waiting to receive emails, you will wonder why in Gmail I get your messages? We explain what happens next.
With more than 1.8 billion users worldwide, Gmail is one of the most used email providers. Its functions make technology experts consider it one of the most complete and easy-to-use email services today.
Like all apps in Gmail, sometimes error messages occur that make it not work as it should. If one of them has come up lately, specifically the “getting your messages” you may be wondering, why in Gmail do I get getting your messages? Next, we give you the cause.
The reason you’re getting this message is because your email is being synced . Synchronization is the download of emails on your mobile that are already on the Gmail server.
It may happen that this “getting your messages” message takes time and never ends. If this happens, there are problems with the synchronization of the application.
To correct this synchronization error you can first try to update the Gmail application to the latest version that exists. Also, it is recommended to restart the device. If the problems persist, do not forget to check your account settings from the settings, checking that you have synchronization activated. Also, check that you have an internet connection.
Also, you should keep in mind that if your phone’s storage memory is limited, messages may not be able to be downloaded and the message getting message persists. Delete photos, videos or music that you are no longer interested in to free up space in that memory.
Gmail does not load my emails, why?
Gmail does not load my emails, why ? This is the question that many users sometimes ask themselves if they are waiting for an important email or emails that were previously archived are not being displayed. Next, we explain what happens.
This is a sync issue with your account . You should know that, if your Gmail application does not synchronize automatically, it is possible that in addition to not loading the emails you will see that they are not sent or they get stuck in the outbox and you may see the error message “Account not synchronized” or notice The app works very slowly.

Why Gmail won’t sync
We have already seen that the reason why in Gmail I get getting your messages. As you have read, this reason has to do with timing. But why doesn’t Gmail sync? The causes are explained below.
- Connection issues. If you have poor coverage or no internet connection, this is the reason why the Gmail app can’t sync and you don’t get new emails.
- Airplane mode activated . Airplane mode disables your phone’s connection, check that you don’t have it activated voluntarily or by mistake.
- Unchecked the sync box . If in the Gmail configuration itself you have deactivated the “Synchronize Gmail” box, this will be the reason why the app does not update and the emails do not arrive.
- Gmail cache issues . Sometimes the app cache gives problems and causes sync errors. To repair it, the ideal is to clear the cache, this does not mean that emails or other important data are deleted from the device.