Google Maps is one of the most used applications when it comes to navigation. In it you can get coordinates of any place. Today we show you what the coordinates of Google Maps mean so that you can use them when you need them in this or in other apps.
In 2005 Google launched the Google Maps app. This platform allows you to obtain images of scrollable maps, satellite photographs of the world and even the route between different locations or images at street level with Google Street View, traffic conditions in real time and a route calculator on foot, by car, by bicycle and public transport, plus a GPS navigator.
But in addition to all this, among the features of Google Maps are also the coordinates. If you don’t know what Google Maps coordinates mean, here’s everything you need to know about them. What Google Maps coordinates do is provide information about an exact point of any point in the world. Google Maps coordinates are displayed in the WGS842 system and will indicate latitude and longitude, positive for North and East, negative for South and West.
These geographic coordinates are a reference system that allows each location on Earth to be specified by a set of numbers, letters, or symbols.
Once you know what Google Maps coordinates mean, you may be interested in knowing how to get the coordinates of your location on Google Maps , for example, to share them with another person or to use at a later time.
To know how to obtain the coordinates of your location on Google Maps, follow the steps that we propose below.
- Open Google Maps on your mobile device.
- In the upper search box write the place from which you are going to extract its coordinates.
- Once the red marker appears on the map, click on it.
- At the bottom you will see the coordinates. Click on them and they will be copied to the clipboard.
You already know what Google Maps coordinates mean and how to obtain them. Now we are going to explain how to convert Google Maps coordinates to etrs89.
The first thing you should know is that you must follow the steps that we have given you in the previous section to obtain the coordinates of Google Maps. Once you have them, you just have to enter them on the web http://www.ign.es/wcts-app/ and choose etrs89 as the output format.
This website will carry out the conversion in a few seconds and you will already have the information available to copy it in any other app that you need or to store it on your phone.

If you have the information of the coordinates in UTM and you want to know how to put utm coordinates in Google Maps , then we will show you everything you need to know about it.
It is important that you know that the UTM coordinate format is not compatible with Google Maps, so no matter how much you insert the coordinates in this type of format, Google Maps will not show you the location to which they refer.
The first thing you should do is convert the UTM measurement into Degrees, minutes and seconds on this web page . When you have them converted, you must enter them in the Google Maps app following this format: Degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS): 41°24’12.2″N 2°10’26.5″E It is very important that you follow the example format because if you do not insert it, in this way the correct information will not appear either and the app may show you an error in the result