Instagram hashtag generator
Do you want to grow your account? This is the Instagram hashtag generator to gain followers!
Instagram hashtag generator


The hashtag, that wonderful friend that helps us find and be found on social networks! If you learn how to use the Instagram hashtag generator properly, you can make your content reach more people. And don’t worry, if finally this application and Facebook cease to exist in Europe, some of these tricks will also work for the rest. Take note!


Whether you use the Instagram hashtag generator or opt for an external one, this tool can make you gain followers, if that is the goal you have with your account. How?

Well, if you use the right words in your posts, not only the nice phrases that you can put, but also the “tags”, there will be people who see your content ; either because they search for the hashtag in question, because they follow it directly on the social network or because it deals with a topic that interests them.

For example, if you are interested in technology, you can search for related topics; or if you post about that topic, other people will find your content more easily if you make good use of them. Continuing with this example, stay to see everything step by step.


The easiest thing may be to use the Instagram hashtag search engine ; although it is a bit hidden, if you know how to use it, the application will take you directly to the most used depending on a certain theme. Look where it is!

  • Enter the application.
  • Go to the search engine, the magnifying glass icon that appears at the bottom and press.
  • A new screen will open with content, photos and videos that appear there based on your tastes and likes. Ignore him.
  • You have to click on the search engine again, this time on the top bar of the screen, where it says “Search”.
This is the Instagram hashtag generator
  • Then a new window will open.
  • Locate the hashtag icon at the top.
  • You will see that “Search hashtags” appears, go there and write the word that you have in mind. In the example: “technology”.
  • You will see that, once written, several hashtags begin to appear at the bottom and that they have a number.
Instagram Hashtag Finder

That number is the number of times it has been used , so they appear in order from most to least used. If you have looked closely, you will see that this search is based on the root of the word. So it can be used, for example, to decide whether to put it with or without a tilde depending on the number of searches.

But won’t there be other words related to technology (in our example), that don’t start precisely like that? That brings us to the next point.


To know some words related to your search, but that have to do with the topic and not with the word itself, you will need to use a hashtag generator for Spain . On the internet there are several, free and online. Here, we are going to take a concrete example for you to see how it is used. Take note!

  • Enter the Instagram hashtag generator, in this case Tagsfinder .
  • Look for the “related hashtags” tab in the upper bar and click on it.
  • As seen in the image, select the language, write the word and press “search”.
  • A list with the 30 most used hashtags related to your word will appear on the right. Ready!
Hashtag generator for Spain

As you can see, on this occasion, they are not words that necessarily share the root, but rather they are topics related to the one that interests you. Using these two formulas you will know which hashtags to use to reach more people and gain followers. Will you become an influencer?

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