The screen is running out of your cell phone battery, but there is a solution

screen consumes a lot of android battery

The screen is what consumes the most battery in a cell phone. After all, whenever you use the phone you interact with it, it is large and lighting requires a lot of energy. The longer you use it, the faster the battery will drain. This is inevitable.

But that does not mean that you cannot optimize or minimize this consumption. You can make some simple adjustments to the Android system or follow some tips to improve battery usage in this section.

screen consumes a lot of battery screen consumes a lot of android battery screen consumes a lot of android battery

Reduces screen power usage

  1. First of all, make sure you have auto brightness turned on in Settings> Display. In this way the phone will be in charge of regulating the brightness based on the ambient light, which will offer you a balance between user experience and battery consumption. If the minimum brightness is still high at night, you can reduce it even further with some apps.
  2. Another setting you can touch is the screen resolution. For example, if your phone supports 2K, QHD or WQHD, you can reduce it to Full HD or 1080p. The visual change is very little noticeable and can extend the battery life a little more.
  3. When you listen to music on YouTube, you can minimize the app and turn off the screen to avoid unnecessary battery drain.
  4. In case your phone has an OLED screen, activate the night mode or dark theme in the applications that offer this possibility. It does not matter if that theme is black or gray, it will help notably (with this practice, in the indicated link they have seen a battery saving of up to 40% in a OnePlus).
  5. Go to Settings> Display> Screen timeout. There, choose the lowest possible value. That number means that the screen will turn off after that time when there is no user interaction. If that number is insufficient, you can make it turn off only when you stop using it, using smart apps like Gravity Screen.

The screen is only part of the problem

If, despite having done the above, the battery life is insufficient, it is most likely that this battery is old. It may help if you uninstall the apps you don’t use (especially if they are from social networks like Facebook, antivirus or Android “optimizers”), but even that may not compensate for the problem of a battery with a couple of years of age. You should consider replacing it.

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