Telegram has become one of the most versatile applications on the market because, in addition to the functions for chatting, it has thematic channels where you can view all kinds of content. Today we show you the best Telegram channels to download PDF books.
If there is a well-known application not only for chatting but also for the extra functions it has, that is Telegram. In it, in addition to individual or group chats, there are channels where there is specific information about music, movies, series, etc. Similarly, there are channels specializing in literature and books. Many of these channels may contain copyrighted files, so we always recommend that you do not download these types of files. Of course, there are also books whose copyrights have expired and can be downloaded for free. Next, we show you the best Telegram channels to download PDF books.
- Ebooks in Spanish. If you are looking for self-help, psychology or history books on this Telegram channel you have a wide and diverse catalog with a lot of titles to download.
- Digital library. This is a channel with a wide collection of books on countless different topics, from horror, productivity, psychology, etc. You can download them through two different links.
- Free books. In this channel you will find every two or three days new books in PDF. The best thing is that they are books of very different genres, there are war-type books or classic authors and you can also find courses or stories by war correspondents.
- PDF Medical Books. There are also channels on Telegram specialized in books on a theme. This is one of them, his books correspond to different specialties within medicine.
- PsychologyPDF. Like the previous one, this is a channel specialized in books, but in the field of psychology . Normally, the cover is displayed and then comes the information about downloading the book.
- FreeBooks. For those who are looking for books or magazines in English to expand their linguistic level in that language, this is a very complete channel where there are both fiction and non-fiction books in PDF.
If you are new to Telegram, this question may arise: Can you download books from Telegram? Well, the answer is Yes. You can download books in electronic format.
The books come in the form of links either within the platform or redirect you to other web storage platforms. You just have to follow the instructions that are indicated.
If you already know the best Telegram channels to download PDF books, but you need to find Telegram channels to download EPUB books , then we show you some of this format.
- Ebooks . In this channel all the books that are published are in EPUB format. In addition to the cover, each one of them is shown a brief review to know what your content is about .
- EPUB books. This is another of those channels of books in EPUB format to read on smartphones or electronic books. As in the previous one you can find the cover and a brief synopsis. This channel has good books, but it is not recently updated.

We already know the best Telegram channels to download PDF books, but we are also going to show you a compilation of the best Telegram bots to download books.
- Secret Library (@BibliotecaSecreta10Bot). Its configuration makes it one of the most interesting places for this type of content because it allows you to request a title and gives you complete information on the year of publication, the pages or the literary genre. Then it allows you to download the book in addition to PDF, in Epub and Mobi. It also has a version in Catalan and English.
- Download Books . (@Decargalibros_bot) In this bot you have the option to download up to 500 books, many of them are classics of literature and you can also access complete sagas.