Telegram groups imitate Twitter and release mentions, responses and hashtags

Telegram is one of the applications that compete today to be the best to chat with our mobile and although the truth is that WhatsApp has taken a certain advantage over its rivals, Telegram continues to work to improve day by day and add new functions .

Today, new update of the application arrives , which takes us to version 2.6 of Telegram and where you can find several new features such as the improvement of group chats , allowing a much improved interactivity among its members since in the end it is the way in which the application is used the most, the incorporation of mentions and the option to add Hashtags .


With this update it will be possible to reply to a message from the specific group by clicking on it (double-click on iOS) and tapping on the Reply option that will appear in the message itself along with a text field to include the reply .

Telegram groups imitate Twitter and release mentions, responses and hashtags


Undoubtedly a modification that will allow users a better way to communicate with each other and that will lead to being able to have much more understandable conversations , not like until now where several people wrote at the same time and each one of their story.


In this aspect, Telegram has not wanted to complicate and intelligently offers the new function of being able to make mentions that work in the same way as on Facebook or Twitter. To mention someone, therefore, you only have to write an at sign before the name and the notification will be sent to that user.

Telegram groups imitate Twitter and release mentions, responses and hashtags


This mention will reach the mentioned user even if he has the group muted , thus becoming an ideal way to avoid those message bombardments that occur in some groups.


Finally, there is also the option to add hashtags in group chats. These hashtags that work by typing the # followed by the hashtag word , now allow you to click on them to see the search for that word or topic both in the application groups and other users independently.

Telegram groups imitate Twitter and release mentions, responses and hashtags


All these news will be included in the updates that arrive throughout the day and will be available for Android devices , Mac OS X, Telegram Web and a little later will arrive for devices with the iOS operating system .

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