Telegram has long won the title of the best messenger on the network. It’s just silly to argue with that. Its simplicity and functionality will drive any user crazy. In addition, you can see how the team feels the perspective and regularly makes changes to their product. But, like any other project, Telegram needs monetization. Pavel Durov has said more than once that he contains his brainchild at a loss. And just recently I decided to take a radical step – adding advertising. It is clear that everyone immediately ran into an unpleasant word and brought down the hate, without really understanding the essence. But people looked to the root with their heads and saw that his approach to the issue is one of the best on the market. Now Pavel has announced a subscription at all, with the help of which you can get rid of it. Bravo!
Pay attention to how Pavel Durov subtly feels his audience. Those who follow his blog have noticed this for sure. Regular polls, the constant search for the best – all this makes him a real genius. Yes, most messenger features are not unique, but how they work. A lovely sight!
Advertising in the Telegram
There were a lot of rumors about advertising in Telegram. One thing was not clear: how it would be implemented. Have you seen ads on YouTube? No, in a different way. Have you seen anything worse than YouTube ads? Two videos before watching completely kill the desire to watch something further. And if you want to get rid of it, you have to pay.
Pavel Durov acted differently. He warned all users long before the appearance of advertising in the messenger. So to speak, I prepared the ground. And when everyone was already waiting to see the horror there, he presented us with absolutely ordinary messages that we usually send to each other. The only thing that makes it clear that there is an advertisement in front of you is a small Sponsored inscription that appears in the upper right corner of the message.

Telegram shows everyone else how an advertisement for a healthy person should look like.
Targeted advertising on Telegram
The head also promised that the algorithms will not analyze requests for specific users, and you will not see sponsored messages in private chats:
Telegram does not track whether users click on a sponsored post or profile them based on activity. We also prevent external links in sponsored posts to prevent third parties from spying on our users. We believe that everyone has a right to privacy, and technology platforms must respect that.
So the innovation will definitely not touch upon communication issues. Actually, I didn’t lie. Sponsored messages have appeared on Telegram channels with over 1000 subscribers and are limited to 160 characters. That being said, sponsored posts are solely based on the topic of the public channels they are shown on.

Advertising appeared in our Telegram channel as well. Looks pretty good.
As for the issues of contextual advertising , everything is simple here. Advertisers themselves determine the approximate topic or add specific channels where it will be displayed. This will preserve the privacy of users.
Regarding the division of the budget, Pavel Durov has not yet given any comments and limited himself to only the phrase that as soon as the sponsored messages are launched and allow Telegram to cover their costs, the team will begin to share income with the owners of public channels.
How to disable ads in Telegram
A couple of days after the launch, Durov said on his channel that many users suggested that he introduce the ability to disable official announcements in Telegram channels, so two more innovations will appear in the application:
- Users will be able to turn off official advertisements.
- Channel creators will be able to turn off official advertisements in their channels for all users.
I do not know who these “many users” are who suggested entering something. As I understand it, they are confused by the very fact of advertising, and everything else is secondary. But Paul himself said that he did not want to introduce her to the masses, the circumstances are forcing.
The option to disable ads is expected to come in the form of a low-cost subscription . Thus, users will be able to directly “warm up the cart” and never see official advertisements in the channels.

We hope that Pavel Durov will be able to carry out his plan.
The reform also affected the authors of the channels (us). Pavel Durov emphasizes that the economic side of the issue has not yet been discussed. I do not know how the management of our resource will decide, but I am strictly against the shutdown. Advertising should be of high quality everywhere. And the more users see “how to do it right”, the better advertising will become in the world as a whole.