How to switch from the alphabetical keyboard to the numeric keyboard when writing text messages (In 10 Steps)

How to switch from the alphabetical keyboard to the numeric keyboard when writing text messages (In 10 Steps)
How to switch from the alphabetical keyboard to the numeric keyboard when writing text messages (In 10 Steps)
How to switch from the alphabetical keyboard to the numeric keyboard when writing text messages (In 10 Steps)

Unless your phone contains a full keyboard similar to what you find on a computer, you must change the phone’s settings from alphabetical to numeric before you can enter numbers into a text message. This is necessary for entering multiple numbers, such as when entering a phone number. The method to access the numeric option in text messages varies depending on the keyboard of your cell phone.


Digital Phone Keypad

Step 1

Press “Menu” on the cell phone to navigate to the main menu.

Step 2

Press the button on the cell phone that corresponds to “Text messages” or “Messages.” Many categories appear.

Step 3

Choose the option “Text message” or “New message”. A screen with a blank text message will appear.

Step 4

Press the button that corresponds to the option “Settings” or “Message settings.”

Step 5

Use the arrows on the cell phone to highlight the “Text” category. Then select “Numbers”, “Numeric”, “123” or a similar category. Press “Accept”. The text message settings will have changed from alphabetic to numeric.

Phone keypad

Step 1

Open the phone, if necessary, to access the cell phone keypad.

Step 2

Press “Menu” on the cell phone to navigate to the main menu.

Step 3

Press the “Messages” or “Text messages” button. Then select the option “New message” or “Text message”. A screen with a blank text message will appear.

Step 4

Press the “Symbol” or “Numbers” button on the keyboard. This button is likely to be a different color than the other keys and is located near the “Shift” or “Caps” key. After pressing the button, the cell phone will have changed from alphabetical to numeric.

Step 5

Find the number keys on the keyboard. All 10 keys share a button with 10 letters. Press one of the keys and the number will appear in the message. Repeat steps 4 and 5, if needed, until you finish entering numbers.

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