Telegram is currently one of the messaging applications with the most extra features, not only for communication but also for information. If you have an Android phone, we’ll show you how to download Telegram free for Android and start using this interesting mobile application.
With more than 500 million monthly active users, Telegram has become an alternative application to WhatsApp to chat with contacts. But it also has a lot of extra functionalities that give users many interesting options.
In addition to individual chats, there are group chats and there are specialized ones with a lot of different themes. Similarly, there are channels and bots where you can play any game like Trivial to download free music or movies.
In this app you can also send video messages, import conversations from WhatsApp or use interactive emojis. If you want to install this app for free, discover how to download Telegram free for Android by following the steps that we show you below.
- Open the Google Play Store app on your Android phone
- At the top where the app search box appears, write “Telegram” and click on the magnifying glass icon.
- The app information will appear, click on the “Install” button.
- Wait for the download to complete and then click “open”.
You already know how to download Telegram free for Android from the app store, but if you don’t have or don’t want to use this store, we’ll show you how to download Telegram without Google Play Store.
To download Telegram without Google Play Store you have to go to the company’s official website https://telegram.org/android?setln=es and click on “Download for Android “. You will download the APK version directly to your mobile. You just have to install it to start using it.
Using a Telegram account on different devices is another of the most interesting functions that this app has. If you already know how to download Telegram free for Android and you use the app on your mobile, but you also want to use it on your computer, then you can find out where to download Telegram for PC for free.
The official Telegram website gives you the chance to download the program for PC completely free of charge. To do this you just have to enter your web browser from your computer and access the page https://telegram.org/
Then scroll down and click where it says “Telegram for PC/Linux” or “Telegram for MAC” depending on the operating system your computer has. The program will be downloaded and then you just have to run its installation.

Another of the possibilities offered by Telegram is to open a session from the browser without having to download any program on the computer. It is the Telegram Web version. If you want to know how to enter Telegram Web so as not to miss any conversation , we will show you in the next section.
The first thing you should do is enter from any web browser at the address https://web.telegram.org/z/ . Next, to enter your Telegram account you will have to “login” . Open your Telegram app on the mobile and then go to “Settings” and then go to “Devices”.
Finally, click where it says “link desktop device” and scan the QR code that appeared in the web address. Then the web session will open where you will see all the chats. To enter any of them and start talking, you just have to double click on the one you want to access. As you can see with Telegram Web you have all the chats at hand and at a glance. In addition, they will show you the bubbles with the new messages that come to you