Tinder has become one of the most popular applications to try to find the ideal person. But many times we waste too much time on people who have nothing to do with us. Therefore, it is interesting to have as detailed a profile as possible. And one of the ways to make sure we find people that we at least have some conversation with is to learn how to change the vibes on Tinder .
When there is a vibe available in your territory, Tinder will notify you of it the moment you enter the application. The vibes are usually questions about some more or less current topic that can serve to break the ice when we meet someone new. These vibes will be visible on your profile for 72 hours . Therefore, you should not give them excessive importance, since they will soon disappear from your profile and there will be no trace of what you have replied.
If you have decided that you want to change them anyway because you have answered a bit without thinking, you just have to go to your profile settings . There, in addition to the data that you will include when you have created your profile on the social network, you will also find your responses to the vibes, and you can modify them to show your potential matches a different response.
And it is that to find the perfect person for you there is nothing as important as trusting yourself. And, therefore, all the data you enter in your profile can be modified at any time you want. The vibes were not going to be less. Therefore, do not worry too much about what you answer in it because you can change them if you need to.

If you haven’t been on the social network for too long or haven’t used it in recent months, you’re probably wondering what Tinder vibes are and what they’re for . The vibes, or vibes in its English version, are a new invention of the social network to help people break the ice, so that it is easier to find someone to connect with.
The vibes are events that last about 48 hours. During this time, users who enter the app will see a message with a question , usually about hobbies, tastes or opinion about a specific topic. As we discussed in the previous section, responses to vibes will appear on the profile for 72 hours.
So, for example, if we see that the person with whom we have matched has commented in a vibe that he loves to cook, then we will have a first topic of conversation when we want to start breaking the ice with that person.
In addition, this can also help us to make sure that we are liking the right people, or at least people with whom we have a topic of conversation in common . For example, if you like a certain sport and that person has posted on their vibe that too, at least you will know that with that person you can talk about that topic.
In general, the idea is that the matches are a little less blind , and you can contact people with whom you have things in common.