WhatsApp statuses went from being a simple copy of Instagram stories to being a form of communication that many use daily. But in recent months, many have decided to use Telegram as the main instant messaging tool. If this is your case, it is likely that you have wondered if you can put states like WhatsApp in Telegram . The reality is that not exactly, there is no option in Telegram that allows you to put states. But there is a very similar function that can help you.
It is about the stories, which work in a similar way to those of Instagram, to the Twitter Fleets or as we have already said to the WhatsApp statuses. So basically the only difference between one and the other is in the name. But the possibility of sharing images with your friends through this instant messaging platform. The difference is that in this case they will not disappear automatically after 24 hours , but the moment you want them to disappear you will have to delete them manually, and they will remain available in the meantime.

The process of how to put statuses in Telegram is quite simple. If you have an iPhone, you will have to press the lower Settings button and then select Put a new photo or video. There you will have to select the photo or video you want to share and it will become available to your contacts. In the case that you do it from Android, the process is very similar. You will simply have to press the three lines and then click on your photo. There you have the possibility to select several images to share them as a story and that all your contacts can see them.
The moment you want to delete a photo , you just have to click on it and click delete. At that time, the photo will no longer be available. Therefore, although you cannot put in Telegram states such as WhatsApp are that name and that mechanics, you do have a very similar function that can be of great help to you.

In WhatsApp there is the option to see who has visited each of your states. And if you have changed your messaging tool recently, it is likely that you have ever wondered how I can know who visits my Telegram .
The reality is that this application does not have a function that allows us to know which users have seen each of our photos. But if you are concerned that your images may reach people you do not want, you can select who can see your profile. To do this, in the app of the tool you must enter Settings> Privacy and security> Profile photos .
At that point, you can choose whether your photos are only available to your contacts or can be viewed by anyone with your phone number. You can also configure it so that no one can access your images , although at first it does not seem to make much sense for you to publish a photo so that no one can see it. By following these steps, you will not be sure who has seen the images you have published, but you can be sure that those people you do not want to have access to that piece of privacy can have access to your publications.