If you are a regular user of Instagram , it is likely that at some point you have wondered why all the Instagram Stories of my contacts do not appear .
One of the most plausible options is that this person does not allow you to have access to their stories. Either because he has blocked you or simply because he has not given you access to a specific story. Remember that Instagram allows us to choose who can see each of the stories that we have published. Therefore, it is possible that a contact you follow wants you to be able to access part of their content, but not another part. In that case, it is possible that you may have access to some of their stories, but not others. If this is the case, there is nothing you can do to access content to which you do not have permission.
It is also possible that there is some small problem. For example, if the time on your mobile phone does not correspond to the real-time, it is likely that some stories will be left out since the 24 hours in which they are available would not correspond to the ones you have on your smartphone. And it may also be due to a connection or app installation error, which on many occasions will be resolved by restarting the phone.

If you are wondering what it means to see everything in Instagram stories , it is a new function created by the social network to prevent you from ending up missing any of the stories that your contacts have uploaded. Now, when a person has uploaded many stories in a row, not all of them are shown, but only a maximum number of them. But there is also a button called See all that you will have to click in order to access all the stories that person has published, regardless of the number of them.
Thus, for example, if a person has uploaded 15 stories, a message will appear indicating that a certain number of them are being displayed. To be able to see the rest, you will have to press the See all button , so that everything that has been uploaded is shown.
The idea of this new function is that, when we start to see all the stories that our contacts have uploaded, we don’t spend too much time always seeing stories from the same person . Thus, what Instagram does to us is a small preview of the stories that person has published, giving us the option of seeing them all or moving on to the next contact without having to wait too long.

If you want to make sure that everything that goes through your Instagram feed is at your fingertips, you’ll want to know how not to skip stories from your contacts on Instagram . The simplest way is to just start playing the first story and let the others play slowly. It is true that you have to put up with some publicity, and that in the event that you have many contacts or that you follow very active accounts, seeing all the stories at once can take a long time. But if you want to be aware of everything that goes through your stories section, it is the safest way to achieve it without errors.
Another option is that you click on the story icons of each of the contacts you have. Those you haven’t seen yet will appear surrounded by a colored circle. Therefore, when there is no longer any icon with that circle, it means that you have already seen everything. Going hand in hand contact by contact can be a bit more tedious, but it has the advantage that you can choose the order.
But if someone has published many stories, remember that you will have to click on See all to show all the stories and not skip any.