No matter how many posts you make, it seems that no one is seeing them? Then you are surely wondering why Instagram doesn’t show my stories .
The reason may be that we have done something that Instagram does not consider serious enough to block our account, but it is serious enough to prevent others from accessing our content even though we can continue using our account and uploading photos.
This can happen for things like following and unfollowing too many accounts in a short time, giving too many likes, or adding hashtags that have been blocked by the social network.
When this happens, we do not receive any notification indicating that Instagram has penalized us , but we do notice that even if we upload stories to our contacts they do not appear, and the number of views decreases enormously, sometimes causing our account to lose followers.
The only way to tell if you’ve suffered one of these penalties is if you realize you ‘ve suddenly lost a large number of followers or engagements on your posts. If it is a specific publication that has not been as successful as you expected, it may simply be that it has not worked correctly. But if you see that it is something generalized and/or drastic, it is very likely that the rest of the users are not having the possibility of accessing the publications you make normally.

If you’ve ever wondered what Instagram shadowban is , you should know that it’s exactly the type of “no-ban” we were talking about earlier. In other words, the social network does not block your account, but it makes it difficult for others to access your content by leaving them in the shadows, hence the name. Instagram has not acknowledged that the shadowban exists, but many users have noticed its effects.
If you have noticed that your account is being shadowbanned, some possible solutions are as follows:
- Block access to your Instagram account from third-party apps that may be doing something illegitimate.
- Remove some hashtags from your photos, especially those that may be controversial.
- Delete content that you think may have angered the Instagram algorithm.
- If you believe that you have not done anything against the Terms and Conditions of Use, please report the problem.
In any case, these subtle Instagram blocks are temporary , so after a few days your followers will see your content again as usual.

If you’re wondering why my followers aren’t seeing my stories , you may be the victim of a shadowban. But there may also be some simpler reasons but at a given moment we can be overlooked causing us to worry about it.
If your internet connection is not stable , your stories may not have uploaded correctly even if you think they have. In that case, they would not be published so no one could see them.
It is also important that we consider privacy. By default, Instagram saves the privacy settings of the last story that we have uploaded, so we may have prevented access to many followers so that we notice a loss of views.
Another possibility is that we accidentally posted the story to Best Friends , so that no one outside of our immediate circle could access it. And finally there is always the possibility that there has been some small problem that makes the stories temporarily not be seen. In this case, the options we have are either to wait for it to be resolved or to report the problem to Instagram.