All proper names usually have a certain origin. And in some cases, words that we only know here as personal names have another meaning in some unknown language. If you want to know a little more about yours or that of those close to you, you can try to find what your name means according to the Google translator .
The window that Google Translate has over others to search for name meanings is that it has more than 80 different languages in its database . Therefore, you will be able to search beyond the most popular languages that you find in any translator.
Your name may not have any special meaning if you search for it in English or German. But it can be the translation of a specific word from less popular languages in our culture such as Swahili or Hebrew .
Another curiosity about your name that you can do in GoogleTranslate is to see how it is written in languages with special characters . For example, you can search for your name in Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese. Although it may not mean anything special, you can see how it is written in special characters. This can be interesting, for example, if you want to get a tattoo with someone’s name but you want it to be original, or to make a gift to someone related to their name. For lovers of oriental cultures it can be very entertaining.
In general, knowing how to say your name in other languages can provide you with a fun time thanks to the popular Google tool.

If you want to know everything about the origin of your name, you can play the fun game of translating your name with Google Translate . At first it may seem that there is nothing special to do. Simply write your name in the Spanish box and choose a language randomly to see if it means. In the tab next to it, you will see how your name is said in that language, that is, the direct translation of the word.
But if what you really want to know is not the translation but the meaning , you have to go a little further to get it.
What you should do is, once you have the name translated into the language you want, click on the button with two arrows that you will find between both languages. In this way, the word that defines your name in whatever language is returned to Spanish. And this is where the surprises come. Many times the word with which your name is translated not only has the meaning of a specific name, but can also be translated with other words.
In this way, you will be able to know the real meaning that your name has in different languages . That often goes a bit beyond simple translation. It may not be the “cultural” meaning by which that name has come down to us. We already know that words can come to mean very different things depending on the way in which languages have evolved over the centuries. But, even if it is not a meaning that has something special to tell you, just knowing what your name means in other languages can be a lot of fun.