In the last hours we have found many reports and comments regarding the number 912016288 on specialized spam call pages. A number that corresponds, as indicated, to a telephone company . However, users also indicate that through this number they have suffered some heavy and unpleasant situations. Are we really facing a spam call? We reveal it to you in the following paragraphs.
The character of this article is merely informative. is only limited to collecting testimonials from users found on third-party pages, so it stands apart from the opinions expressed by them, as well as from the accusations made to the company regarding its network services and / or the service aftermarket .
«The call lasted 37 seconds. Lady was polite at all times. He asked me if I was interested in an alternative mobile phone plan. I answered no “,” They have been calling from different numbers for a week, I have already blocked more than 10 numbers “. “They won’t let me speak, hard sell and harassment 100%.” These are just some of the comments that can be found in specialized forums, and that suggest that the company behind the calls from this number is Lowi.
It is an operator that belongs to Vodafone and whose slogan is to be a low cost company to contract both mobile and fiber rates. The company has not confirmed that 912016288 is an official number .
Some users also indicate that when they receive a call from this phone and they pick it up on the other side, they only hear noise or nothing at all until they hang up, and that they are repeated several times throughout the day.
As it is not a number that appears to be officially linked to Lowi, joining the Robinson list is probably not enough to stop receiving calls. The most recommended thing in this case if these calls are bothering you is to use the native options offered by both Android and iOS to block a phone number . This can be done through the phone app. Although it changes depending on the interface, the most common is that you can press on the number, look for the information button and then check the block option.
You also have other more powerful options such as installing a dedicated application that helps you block these types of calls. For example, Mr. Number for iPhone or Truecaller for Android. These applications use a database that is fed by the calls that other users of the apps mark as spam so that it appears directly to you as a spam call and is blocked . It is not an infallible method because new numbers are always emerging but it can be very practical when the number in question has been circulating for a few days. If you are one of those who still use a landline, you can also use a physical call blocker. You can find several like the one we put below on Amazon.