If you are not up to date in the world of cellular technology and you are thinking about acquiring a mobile, it may be a good idea to start by knowing which cell phones or brands are in the lead in sales worldwide. If they sell more, they must be doing things right. And it will always be better to buy a cell phone from a recognized brand, than a fake or clone for which no one will answer you and that we do not recommend buying in any way.
The staunchest competitors in all smartphone segments are Samsung and Huawei. With a little distance, Apple and the rest of the brands appear, as can be seen in their market shares for the penultimate quarter of 2019.

The best-selling iPhone and Android in the world
If you are not familiar with the term market share, it means that if 200 cell phones were sold in the market in total and Samsung sold 100, this company would have a 50% share. Obviously, in reality the numbers are on the order of tens of millions of devices.
Market shares by brand
- Samsung: 20.6% (78.4 million units)
- Huawei and Honor: 17.6%
- Apple: 11.8%
- Oppo: 8.6%
- Xiaomi: 8.3%
- I live: 7.8%
- Realme: 2.7%
- Lenovo and Motorola: 2.6%
- LG: 2%
- Others: 17.9%
In «Others» we can include approximately 600 other brands that share the remaining 17.9% of the market.
Apple sells the most expensive smartphones on the market and is still in the top three companies that sell the most. It is only surpassed by Samsung and Huawei, but it must be borne in mind that, unlike Apple, the latter two have many more models or lines of devices on the market, with different price ranges.
High-end cell phone fee
I have not found updated information in this regard, but until the last quarter of 2018, Apple dominated the market for “flagships” or “premium” devices (price above $ 400), the segment that generates the most profit margin, with 51% of market share, very distant from Samsung with 22%, Huawei 10%, Oppo 6% and OnePlus 2%. That is, here Apple is taking much more money than any other company that makes cell phones.
Best-selling models
In the graph you can see the market share of the best-selling models in the world, led by the iPhone XR. This device from 2018 is the alternate version of the iPhone XS, but “more accessible”, which is now around $ 600, whose rear camera, screen quality and materials are lower than the iPhone XS, although with a slightly larger screen size.
The appearance of the iPhone 11 is very notable, a device that is from $ 700. It was barely released three months ago and is already in the top five.
The best-selling Android device in the world is the Samsung Galaxy A10, a low-end cell phone launched in February of this 2019, which costs $ 140 in its most basic version. This renewed Samsung A series that replaced the J line has been well received by users, having three of its devices in the top ten, fighting very well with attractive brands in this segment, such as Xiaomi and its Redmi 7A, also launched in This year, it can be purchased for $ 100.
With information from CounterpointResearch