Telegram is, along with WhatsApp, one of the most popular instant messaging tools in the world. And one of its main advantages is that it is not necessary that we always use it from the mobile, but we can also use it from the computer. If you have ever considered how to register in Telegram for PC , the steps you have to follow to do so are the following:
- In the Telegram app for PC, click on Start Messaging or Continue in Spanish if you prefer to use that language
- Click Start chatting
- Enter the phone number with which you want to link your Telegram account
- Press next
- If you have Telegram, you will receive a code in the form of a chat message. If not, it will arrive by SMS
- Enter the code in the PC application
If you already had a Telegram account on your mobile, you will see how when you enter the code all your chats are synchronized and you can continue using them on your computer just like on your smartphone. If this is not the case, you will have created a new account that you can also use on your mobile. But regardless of whether you do it or not, it is necessary to have a phone number in order to have an account in this application.
Of course, to start using it, before even creating your account, it is necessary to know how to download Telegram for PC for free , so that you have the app on your computer.
Downloading this application can be done completely free of charge from the official Telegram website . You will only have to choose your operating system, click on it and download the installation file. Then run it and in a matter of minutes you will have Telegram running on your computer.
Although there are many websites that advertise the possibility of downloading the PC version of Telegram, we recommend that you always do it from the official website, since only there you can be totally sure that there is no problem with malware or the like. And, above all, it is important that you distrust any website where you have to pay to download Telegram for PC. The download of this tool is completely free, so if they want to make you pay for it, you should know that it takes a while.
Telegram differs from WhatsApp in that, to be able to use the PC version, it is not necessary that you have the application installed on a mobile, that you have it nearby or that you are connected to the same WiFi network. But the answer to whether I can use Telegram on PC without mobile is not so clear .
And, although you don’t need to use Telegram on your smartphone as well, you will need a phone number to send a code to in order to create your account. That is, you need to have a phone next to you when you register . Once you have done it, you will no longer need to use your mobile at all, and you will be able to use Telegram as if it were an application only for PC.
If you don’t have a phone, you always have the option of getting a temporary number using tools like Google Voice , although you will need a Google account for this.