If there is an essential app for communication, that is WhatsApp. If you are driving or your hands are full, you may not be able to know what the messages that arrive to you are saying, that’s why we tell you how to make WhatsApp read the messages aloud to you.
WhatsApp was launched in Spain in 2009. At first it only worked on iPhone and later it would come to Android. In 2014 it was acquired by Meta and since then it has not stopped growing. It currently has more than 2,000 million users and has numerous functions to facilitate communication.
By WhatsApp you can send memes, phrases, GIF, etc. It can even serve to entertain us if we are bored . But without a doubt, the messages are the basis of its success. More than 100 billion messages are sent on WhatsApp every day. Sometimes we get messages, but we can’t read them because our hands are full or because we’re driving. For that there is a solution, you just have to know how to make WhatsApp read your messages aloud. Next, we explain it to you.
See how to make WhatsApp read your messages out loud depending on the device you have. If you have an iOS device you will need to activate Siri. To do this, open the “Settings” of the phone and enter the “Siri and Search ” section. Then move the controller to the right on “Wake on hearing “Hey Siri”. Now exit “Settings” and you will only have to say “Hey Siri read WhatsApp messages” and it will read them aloud to you. In addition, it will give you the option to reply.
If you want to know how to make WhatsApp read your messages out loud on an Android device, go to the “Google Assistant” app. Then click on the icon with your profile image and go to “Settings”. Next, enter “Hey Google and Voice Match” and activate the controller. Now exit “settings” and say “Hey Google or OK Google read WhatsApp messages” and it will read them aloud to you.
You already know how to make WhatsApp read your messages out loud. But if you’re wondering Ok Google, read my posts, does it work? The answer is explained below.
The expression “Ok Google, read my messages if it works, but it must be configured for it. What is the same, you must first give Google Assistant permission to access your notifications and to activate once you say “Ok Google”.
You can activate the voice command from the “Hey Google or Voice Match” section that you have in the Google Assistant settings.

There are times and situations that we need a WhatsApp text to speech converter. As you have seen, Google Voice Assistant and Siri command can perform this function. But there are also other applications that you can download and what they do is read all the notifications that arrive.
One of these apps for Android devices is FNR Notification Reader that you can download from the Google Play Store. Once installed, you must give permission to the requirements that it asks us to access the phone’s notifications.
Then it can be configured in a personalized way. To do this, you just have to touch the gear icon and there you can, in addition to being able to activate or deactivate the app, indicate if, in addition to WhatsApp messages, we give you permission to read aloud, also Telegram messages or Gmail emails. In addition, this reader will translate the received emoticon for us because it is capable of interpreting it. It will indicate the current mood or what the emoji represents.