If you are one of those people who are not very happy with their appearance or who do not pay much attention to that of others, surely you have ever thought about how to flirt on Tinder without using profile photos .
And the reality is that Tinder flirts usually start out a bit superficially. We look at photos of other people in the same way we look at the catalog of a clothing store and there we choose the people who are attractive to us. But there are people who may not attract our attention physically but with whom we connect much better than with any beauty we can see in a photo. In order for those couples to get to know each other, Tinder has launched its new quick chat called Blind Date . In it you will have the opportunity to meet people without having seen their physical appearance, as if you were participating in the jury of La Voz.
Although it is hard for us to believe it because many pay too much attention to the physical, the creators of Tinder assure that it works much better than the traditional way of meeting people in this application. What’s more, its first tests carried out in the US ensure that people who launch into it have 40% more matches than people who use other tools to meet people through the app. Therefore, this new type of chat can be the ideal opportunity to meet wonderful people beyond their physical appearance.

Something that many users consider when they have seen the profile of a person who has caught their attention is how to chat on Tinder without making a match.
In principle we could say that this is not possible. To avoid problems of harassment or unpleasant situations, Tinder only allows you to talk to people who have previously given you their consent. That is why it is so important to have a good profile on a well-known dating network. But for some people with less profiling skills this way it is more difficult to meet people.
But the new blind date chat option will allow you to meet other people without the match having to have arrived before the conversation.
And it is that in this case you will be surveyed about your tastes and the things that interest you . And what the app will do is match you with a person who has similar interests as you. Once you have had the opportunity to chat for a while, you will have the opportunity to like and match… or not. It is a way of getting to know each other that goes a little beyond the photo.

Now you are probably wondering how Speed Chat: Tinder Blind Date works . The first thing you have to do, when you want to participate in this function, is to answer some questions about your tastes and your personality. With your answers, the app will match you with another person with whom it thinks you may be compatible. Now it’s time to start chatting with the other person to see if you’re a good fit. But it will not be easy, since you will only have about 30 seconds to show yourself as you are. If from that first contact you have caught each other’s attention, you can now make a match and start talking to get to know them better.
The arrival of this quick chat on the social network comes from the need of many users, especially the youngest, to meet honest people after many disappointments on the popular platform. If you start to get to know the person from the beginning instead of getting carried away exclusively by the physical, it is much more likely that you will find a person who totally fits you.