Did you like someone a lot and don’t know how to find them? Knowing how to find someone from Tinder on Instagram can help you locate your better half.

You’ve found someone on Tinder who has caught your eye, but the conversation hasn’t caught on. You start to think how you could locate it by other means. And you think it would be a great idea to know how to find someone from Tinder on Instagram to pick up a conversation.

The reality is that Tinder does not allow you to access users’ social networks, in principle to maintain privacy. But there are things that can help you. For starters, there are many users who put their Instagram username in the bio. In that case you have it easy, you just have to look for it. Therefore, the first thing you have to do is look at the bio. If out there you do not get anything clear, there are people who have the profile connected by Instagram to see their latest photos. From them, it will be much easier for you to find the person, especially if you try to find out what hashtags they may have used in those images.


If you want to find someone at all costs, you can always turn to Tinder Detective . It is a scrypt developed in phyton that will allow you to find the Tinder profiles of your Facebook friends, so that you can know if they are using the dating app.

The reality is that the process is a bit complicated if you don’t have a lot of computer skills. To use it, we must configure the SECRETS.json file. For them we must put our Facebook ID and the Facebook Auth token. Once we’ve done that, it’s time to run the scrypt . It will ask us if we really want to find the Tinder profiles of our Facebook contacts. And then we can find in the application to link the users that we have added to Facebook.



Surely more than once you have wondered how to find someone specific on Tinder . The reality is that the application only allows you to do it once you have made a match with that person. But there are some ways to get closer to the other person. If you know how far away the person you want to find is and how old they are, you can probably do this by filtering.

As you know, Tinder allows you to set a maximum distance to find contacts and an age limit . If you configure it with the details of the person you want to find, it will offer you a much smaller number of candidates. Keep rejecting everyone who appears until you find the person you want. It is a somewhat cumbersome method, but it really is the only effective one.


Even out of curiosity, surely you have ever wondered how to know if your friends use Tinder . Since you can’t search for a specific person in the app, the easiest way is to simply ask. It may seem very obvious, but there are times when we think that the other person is not going to want to tell it and they have no problem doing it. If this is not the case, you can always resort to one of the methods that we have mentioned above, which, although not exactly, help you to locate specific people.

Remember that “manual” methods, although more cumbersome, are always more practical than others such as Tinder Detective, which are of dubious reliability .


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