Would you know how to create a Grindr account without a phone number or email account? We leave the reasons that lead you to create an account without your real or personal credentials . Here we are going to teach you how to do it simply and quickly. So you don’t have to create new Gmail accounts or use other users’ phone numbers. Follow our directions.
For quite some time, Grindr no longer requires a phone number to register or create an account. So we will discard this option both when registering and when logging in or signing with your credentials. Even when the home screen still allows us to identify ourselves with our phone number (with which we registered at the time), there is no longer a way to create a new account from this data. So we are safe. We don’t need to lie, look for another number, buy a prepaid card, or look for a temporary phone number website. We can jump to the next step.
Now, what the new Grindr account registration does ask for is an email user. A piece of information that you may not want to give to a dating application, but that is necessary to make this registration and have an active profile in Grindr. Even if you only want it to gossip about what other profiles are in your area. Either way you need an email .

The trick here, if you don’t want to give yours, you already have it in your main Grindr account or you just don’t want to create a new account for this process, is to use a temporary email . It consists of a service offered by some Internet websites where you can use an open and relatively public mail for this type of procedure. Without creating an account or having to carry out any management. Just use that address for registration.
Thus, all you need is to click on the button Register in Grindr, where you will be asked for user data to create a profile in the application . In the email section, use the address that appears on websites such as temp-mail.org . You can use the one that appears directly on the screen or change it for a new one. The important thing here is that you have that email on hand during the rest of the registration process. Enter it in Grindr and create a strong password so that no one but you can enter this profile.
Generally (and at least in our tests) Grindr will not ask you for any kind of confirmation. Neither by email nor with any phone number. With this you can start creating and personalizing your new profile . A photo, a name, a description … everything you need. As if you had usually done it with a normal email account.

Grindr may send some kind of communication to the temporary email address you used. Keep in mind that other web users will be able to see the inbox for this address. However, as long as you have a strong password on Grindr you don’t need to worry about anything.
If everything has gone well, you will have your Grindr operating account and you will not need to review anything in that temporary email. Of course, keep in mind that any question related to your profile will have to do with that email. And that, if you need to recover the account or carry out any procedure, the official Grindr information and emails will be sent to that address . So our recommendation is that you use this account in a secondary way to avoid any type of problem that you cannot solve through the temporary email address that you have used.