One of the many advantages that Telegram offers in relation to other instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp is that it is not necessary to show our phone number to use it. That is, we can add new contacts in Telegram without knowing their phone, simply with their corresponding alias.
However, this seems to have changed in the latest Telegram updates for Android . If we look now, when entering settings-privacy and security-phone number , we will see the level of security that our number has preset in the application. We have three security options:
- All
- My contacts
- Nobody
And we can add exceptions, for example, if we want to show our telephone number in Telegram to a specific user, or just the opposite: choose one or more users so that they cannot see it.
As we have seen before, to hide our phone number in Telegram we have to follow the following steps:
- We open the Telegram app on Android and click on the three-striped menu located in the upper left.
- In the side menu, click on settings and then privacy and security .
- Now, we do the same with the telephone number section .
- Here we will have to press the nobody option to completely hide our phone number from all current and future Telegram contacts.